Remove 100 Dinars penalty

edited January 6 in English

Its about time to remove the 100 dinars penalty for leaving a room already. Go try another solution vs rejoining like a timer or somth but stop to punish free2play players for leaving a room they had to quit because a cheater joined. WHICH IS ALMOST EVERY FKN ROOM WITHOUT LEVEL RESTRICTION.





  • edited January 6

    Should there not be a bigger punishment for pay-to-win player's rage quitting?








    The Fastest any clan has rage quit in the history of Warrock?

    Take note of their bullshit, they are pro players.

    Pros who only play one map, on one side, with every op weapon. Oh to be bad, huh?

  • I don't get why new players are punished, yet someone who has paid can freely leave and rejoin as many times as they like.

  • edited January 9

    I shall correct myself. It is not new players, but anyone who does not have premium.

    A forum quick quiz.

    Who is the first person to exit the room in the video?

    Place your answers below. All correct entries will be included in a draw, with the lucky winning user receiving a free tutorial session.

  • edited January 9

    They left because they joined & agreed for pargona / cantumira / thamugadi. Not for Montana. Gods switched the map when everyone was ready, right before they started the match. Literaly No one except Gods & their laggers wants to play Camp & Lagg heaven map Montana. You cant move because of the lack of bases, everyone camps / sits around and laggers walking through every corner possible xD ofc they gonna leave instantly.

    Cant see any issues with that video besides Janko acting like a kid cutting out the important part -> all doing ready & Gods switching the map the other team didnt agree too.

  • I'm afraid that's not the correct answer. You are welcome to try again.

  • edited January 10

    Im afraid to tell you that indeed thats exactly what happened and therefore the correct answer. Janko even deleted my comment on his video pointing that out 😂😂

  • edited January 10

    Wrong, reconsider your answer to be in the draw and eligible for the free tutorial.

     Thanks for playing.

  • edited January 10

    Dont be delusional. It was indeed the right answer :)

    They joined and agreed on Pargona_East but Gods switched to Montana once everyone was ready and instantly hit start.

    And that Montana is the biggest Camper map & most beneficial map for laggers isnt a secret nor somth new. No one except LaggLovers GodsClan plays that map. 🤷‍♂️😂

    Ofc they wont stay. (:

  • #hint. Watch the video, the answer is there. The question is, Who left the room first.

  • The answer is: None one cares because there is a clear reason for the leave: Break what was agreed on.

  • The reason for leaving is fear of losing.

  • edited January 10

    The reason of leaving is: no one wants to play a Camper map that supports having a high ping.

  • edited January 10

    Out of 16 players, only two have a bad ping. Everyone else as you can see is max ping.. Next excuse?

    That clan is drunkenunicorns?

  • edited January 12

    As i wrote.

    Left because they broke what was agreed on. They agreed on Pargona_East & switched to Montana once everyone was ready.

    No one except Gods loves that Camper map where no one moves. And yes every single lagger eating walls is an issue on that map.

    Also. Montana seems mirrored and therefore equal chances wise. But it isnt. Derbaran has easy access to the middle base via bunnyhop from their main roof to the other roof, while NIU's gets blocked by a powerpole. Its a hughe imbalance and causes NIU to be harder to escape & to be way more easy to get spawntrapped. Even more so because its a camper map where everyone just sits around. Guess which side Gods was?


    Weird. Why did he delete it? Only i can see my comment. 🤷‍♂️

    Guess no one else should see that they broke the agreement and switched the map 🤷‍♂️

  • edited January 12

    So because you cannot cap the center, it's an unbalanced map. Sorry to inform you, that's a skill issue.

    Like how you have never been seen on any of the maps with helicopters, this is once again a skill issue on your behalf.

    I've said this many times in the past. If you could not choose the map, side, or the teams. Where every player is balanced without a paid advanatge you and your friends would be some of the weakest players within Warrock.

    Just look at the video above. It is 10 years old now talking about shaddix2 crashing rooms, fake accounts, and cheats. Nothing has changed. Yet you defend this loser at every opportunity as you are a cheat supporter. We have been putting up with these individuals for 10-plus years causing Warrock problems.

    Montana is unbalanced? hahaha. Excuses for everything.

  • edited January 12

    You have confessed in the past that battlegroup was too hard for you in the beginning, when there was no help available. So it's understandable you have excuses for everything in this game. Claiming you were a CQC-only player from 07-2010. As you couldn't tell where you were being killed from in Battlegroup without the GPS. I bet you think the team who has to defend the bomb site in CQC has the upper hand and it's unfair.

    Your friends spend every day abusing this game. Making it so they never have to compete on an even playing field. Papaya Play knows full well what they are doing but refuses to take action, as they know your little group will attack the servers if you are banned. Imagine spending money on a game and then picking and choosing who you play with and against and what sides you play. Then refusing to play 97% of the game's maps.

    Is there any battlegroup map within the game? Where one side does not receive some type of advantage be it with base locations or vehicles. Maybe Emblem is the only exception.

    You do remember there is a story to Warrock right?

    Warrock is set in the midst of a nuclear war in the fictional Republic of Derbaran. Players select between the two teams and engage in battles using 20th and 21st-century military equipment, including a large assortment of infantry weapons and vehicles. Derbaran is the government army (yellow camouflage) and NIU is the rebel army (green camouflage). During most combat modes, players are divided into these two teams and compete as an army against each other.

    This is why Derb has the upper hand on a lot of maps as Niu is trying to take over their land.

    Answer the question, and I can offer you the free tutorial. It is a skill-based issue, that I can help fix.

  • edited January 12

    Here: i show you once more how delusional you are and how easy it is to refute your bullshit:

    "You have confessed in the past that battlegroup was too hard for you in the beginning"

    No. Your delusional mind kicks in again. I never said anything like that. I wrote that to snipe was way easier back then because you could hide all day long. This doesnt mean "BG was too hard" it means "To snipe was too easy". Now sniping is hard. Because everyone can see your location and you cant hide your ass anymore. Fact.

    "as they know your little group will attack the servers"

    Another Delusional Argument. As they wouldnt be able to take legal actions against users harming their company with ilegal stuff like attacking their Servers xD

    "Is there any battlegroup map within the game?"

    Yeah most BG maps have a better side. BUT and thats the big difference: The "better side" isnt an issue on 99% of the maps. Montana beeing unable to leave the base via roof to roof on a small map where everyone just sits around waiting for players to show up or for example Havana Derbaran Homebase beeing a Dead End which makes it almost impossible to escape for the average player, once under spawntrapp (because they dont know how) are way bigger issues than beeing able to reach B4 faster in Ohara as Derb.

    "You do remember there is a story to Warrock right? This is why Derb has the upper hand on a lot of maps"

    Another Bullshit argument & very wrong aswell. Most BG maps are even. And the count of one sided maps with either NIU or Derb havin an advantage in some way is almost equal with NIU slightly havin more.

    Red marks the maps which are highly in advantage once you spawntrap the enemy.

  • Check out the dummies returning once Dragonforce starts to struggle with replies.

  • edited January 12

    cant see me struggle, infact never struggled to refute your bullshit xD

  • Twisting the narrative. That video shows the game has just begun and your friends didn't put up a single bullet worth of a fight.

    Who was the first person to exit the room?

  • Doesnt matter. What matters is the reason for why they left: Broke Agreement.

  • I could go through and break down every map, but as you don't play more than three of them, I feel it shall be a waste of my time.

    its easier to highlight the maps you have never been seen on.

  • It is a skill issue.

  • Its also very easy to highlight every map you sit in corners at

    you forgot central square, love that map

  • Thanks for confirming one of Warrock's oldest accounts plays every battlegroup map. Legend.

    If you answer the question, who was the first person to exit? I will mentor you on the maps you never play. For sure it is a skill-based issue and can easily be rectified with some training from a professional.

    Crashing rooms, just like it says in the video?

    Cheats, just like it says in the video?

    You even admit it.

    Their videos even predate your "friendship" as no one had seen you in battlegroup at this point. So how did you become such a cheat supporter?

    Let's return to the opening post, why are pay-to-win players able to exit rooms without any punishment yet a free-to-play is punished?

    They have every op stat. every op weapon, cherrying picking who's on their team, the maps played, and which side of the map they will play, then all claim to be good players. How did this happen?

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