Game is dead
This game is hardcore dead! Only absolute laggers and clockers, Tappers what ever.(but they say u cant clock gg) why some players so fast and u cant see from where u hit? Im from 2008...i see the nubbest hacks come and go... When u have a full Ping in this game, u are now absolute wrong here. 1,5kd...2,5kd from lagg all down. Wow. Its a shame to spend money for this dead game.
and so on...nubbest tapper and lagger heros.
True. This game is dead, but Papaya doesn't care about that. the 20 people left who are still buying premium are enough to sustain this game and make profit.
They fix nothing.
And like you said, if you have 4 bars, you are at a huge disadvantage.
Only laggers these days. 25 rooms in total.
I give this game 6 months, then it's done.
And still. DE has to fix the stuff not Papaya.
DE probably doesn't get any info from Papaya. Papaya isn't a company, Bad support, they don't care about the state of the game.
Still scamming people.
Is DE even a company anymore?
Dragonforce (children) and also thanks to you and to those like you that the game closes !! you complain about the players who use ovc software then you do more abuse than all the players put together. With you there is no game run like a formula 1 and kill with 1 shot !!! I understand you are a friend of the "GMs" as well as being a member of this failed company, or "Papaja" for this reason they do not ban you, understood !! Better suggest your papaya friends to sell the game and see the game reborn.
Thanks Papaja for ruining this beautiful game, faileds !!
Good luck!
100% RIGHT
Server SHIT rental costs 45 euros per month. This server is for chat. The publisher rented cheap shit for an online shooter. Papaya has earned enough, but their time is up. We are waiting for a new honest publisher with a game server.
Mr NoClue not my fault that some of you guys were using ovc :) btw, "like formula 1" would have been visible in my ~250 Videos & Livestreams playing the game :)
Dont be mad just because of your own failure. l2p.
Where is the video about your friend-hacker SKYLAKE ?How many times has he been banned?)))
2 times. 1 time for cheating & 1 time because he was hardware banned at his first ban which made his second acc get banned aswell :) & idc about it. He cheated once and got banned for it. same as Nerodrago used ovc and got banned for it.
Why did you always play with him in the same room, knowing that he is a hacker and not making a video? You are a two-faced dog.
In any case I'm glad that there are no players in the game and you are not using your own hacks. I'm glad the publisher lost income because protect hackers.
He was never cheating on his main acc so there was no reason to create a video of someone playing legit LOL
Karma caught him. He used a sub acc to crash rooms back @ the end of Nexon. This made him get banned early PapayaPlay on all his accs including his main acc. Tell me "how to create a Video that proves that Level 1 Crashin rooms is same guy as Highlevel playing Legit" . You literaly cant. So. Buy some Brain. Thanks.
Thank your admin friends without them you are nothing, when they understand who you really are it will be too late for il game.
Why should i have any admin friends ? Are you mad cuz bad ? Or mad cuz banned in 2017 ?
I never cheated or scripted in WR :) I am sorry
Dragonforce germans farmer admins runner :), nice video ......................
Banned 2015 for a mac adress changer called Technitium :) unbanned 3 days later because its not related to WR :) I am sorry to ruin your imagination. too bad :*
Oh "we know"? You "know" that to "know" something means to have a proof/ clean evidence. As long as there is no proof/evidence, its a guess. And guess what? i dont care about morons guessing :)
Kids crying & search for excuses because they loose since the beginning of the world. It has always been like that :)
I mean if i am unlegit as so many kids in WR say, why has there never been any video about me? Tell me :)
Shouldnt be that hard to record a gameplay vs me to "prove" my "hacks" right ? :)
No one will be able to denie a video visible for everyone at youtube right? :)
But hey. Idiots like you even cry & call me cheating while i am livestreaming on twitch / youtube xD
As i already wrote: i never cry without having a clean evidence. :)
Like the fact that you were overclocking for years with your nerodrago acc :) checked your gameplay, made a video about it, called it out :)
And i wasnt even the only one that proved your overclock.
And as long as there isnt any kind of proof of any other player using cheats / playing unlegit, i wont call those players cheating either. :*
i am not your kind of 0IQ players that believes in other kids crying without havin a clean evidence :)
Same as that moron above with that Video made in 2015. I got banned for using a MacAdress changer (i tryed to avoid a TeamSpeak3 ban) i got unbanned 3 days later because it was a false ban & was not related to WR nor did it affect the Game. This kid was just mad & created a video filled with his imagination & without any evidence / proof just because HE was the one cheating on Ohara 24/7 called "pizzaboy" who got banned a week ealier to my ban :) with the difference that HE stayed banned. While i got unbanned because of the MissClaim if the Hackshild :)
Germans farmer Dragonforce ban reason hacking. Watch the video again and call haribo and skaylike ;)
And why was the ban reason hacking? exactly. because if you got banned via hackshild no matter because of which software it got displayed as "hacking" you even got banned for "hacking" if you used Gamebooster & needed to wait few days to get unbanned by an LGM. So stop to talk bullshit. You uneducated moron :)
But you never called you're German friends out for cheating, bug using, ovc`ing.
i never denied that skylake used cheats on a low acc. Non of my friends was using ovc or bugabusing therefore nothing to "call out" :)
Hopefully the next publisher won't be afraid of low german hackers.
Hopefully the next publisher will ban undereducated morons like you. Unable to use their mud inside their brain to think logical like a normal human beeing.
You moron claim that the old server is better for the game than the modern one))
Where is the logic, where is the mind?))
I dont wrote that it is better. I wrote that it doesnt matter. Like running Pong Multiplayer on a NASA Server wont make the game better.
You are afraid of a modern server because your script or lag will not work.
read what i wrote above. it wont make any difference.