[BS-GLB EVENT] New Year, New BlackShot

edited February 2023 in Events
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Hello Mercs,

It’s 2023 and with a new year comes new content, priorities and things for us to work on! Let us know what you feel about BlackShot and things you would like to see newly released or returned from the past!

Update Info:



From 12 January to 8 February 2023, submit your feedback on this forum post anytime during the event period. 

All constructive feedback will be taken into consideration, and you’ll be rewarded. Excellent feedback received will be specially rewarded.


We will only consider as valid participants the players that leave feedback on the new features of the update.

Abusive behavior it’s grounds for disqualification.


Top Feedback: MSR Phoenix+ 7D & Golden Knife+ 7D

Participation: M4A1 Lunarblaze+ 3D

Team BlackShot


  • edited January 2023

    Hello GMs

    This new update is very good.

    We need some changes in game like

    1.First of all we want 5 person in competitive matches so we could play with our friends in game

    2.Please change competitive rewards its been so long we are keep getting nx1 cyclone or nx1 judgement put some new weapons for competitive rewards

    3.Mastery and weapons. Gms, put the mastery (Old Blackshot):

    Headshot = 97

    Normal kill= 75-80

    its better than 30-40 per kill.

    4.Scope and silencers off GOLD !

    5.PARTNERSHIP. You can bring it back to the game with some changes if you actually believe the partner.

    Have a nice day

    IGN: imChoko

  • edited January 2023

    Hello GMs

    This new update is very good.

    We need some changes in game like

    1.First of all we want 5 person in competitive matches so we could play with our friends in game

    2.Please change competitive rewards its been so long we are keep getting nx1 cyclone or nx1 judgement put some new weapons for competitive rewards

    3.Mastery and weapons. Gms, put the mastery (Old Blackshot):

    Headshot = 97

    Normal kill= 75-80

    its better than 30-40 per kill.

    4.Scope and silencers off GOLD !

    5.Put more weapons off gold and make gold weapons 3 stars kill from 1 headshot. (Ak47, Scars, etc...) Nots normally put 1 hs and they with 5 hp :).

    6.Fix the snipers damage, always 2 shoots or random shoot.

    7.Stop the competitive mode and comback Clan War, CW was better competition but in team from 5 players to play with friends, and the old clans system ranks.

    8.More Bp Guns like Ak Bayrak, scar aurum, mp7 Aurum, ak dragon, ak project dragon. FROM BP and make 1 Headshot 1 kill (Aks,Hks, Scars, etc...) And Fix the Snipers BP damage, nobody use that snipers because are bad.

    9.More GM need to be recruit because too much hackers must be banned.


    10.PARTNERSHIP. You can bring it back to the game with some changes if you actually believe the partner.

    Have a nice day

    IGN: ChokoTV

  • Hello huys!

    I really like the new events, especially because there's a lot of missions (and rewars). But there are missions basically impossible to do =/ like to accumulate 50 hours of playtime, or to complete 50 competitive matches - i can't even find ONE match hahaha. But i'll do my best and accomplish the most of the missions i can.

  • edited January 2023

    I'm quite amazed at the evolution of the game

  • Hi guys, I have the pleasure to say that I love this game. After a long time the game are amazing but need some improvements. At the moment you need to recruit new GM,s because to many hackers and sometimes is impossible to have fun. I completely agree that was said by another player, will be fine if you will put the mastery (for headshot 90-95, for normal shot 60-70, that will motivate us to improve our skills :)) will be great to have the opportunity to buy the scope and silencer for gold.

  • hola soy scper de peru sorry no speed inglis my spanis espero este año nuentros guerreros logren lo que no an logrado el año pasado

  • Need partener back in game!

  • Maybe spend some money to get the ARabs free headsets that they can play with sound.

    Would be epic if they hear some gamesound.

    To the Update:

    New Cash weapons (as always)

    new Bot character anziehsachen (as always)

    new op stuff (as always)

    new hacks (as always)

    Best update ever, never saw so much nice stuff in a update since i play tetris (ironie off)

  • Hello GMs

    This update is really very good

    Things need to be changed

    1-: competitive mode 5 players space so we could play with friends

    2-: as i am from india there is very few people who knows about this blackshot game as you must know india is the second largest in population so please bring some events on indian festivals as well so you can gain more players...

    3 -: please change the competitive rewards put some new weapons or sn1pers in rewards

    4-: its been very though for those people who can't play daily to achieve goals complete missions and take rewards like i play this game 30-40 hrs in a month i hope you all can understand this thing

    5-: please bring back character sniper mantis

    That's all to the BLACKSHOT GLB TEAM

    Have a very good day to you all

    Ign -: xLORD_

  • hello Gms

    The new event is good as always but the comp slots should be more then 2 so we can play with our friends

    Also change the comp rewards,

    And Please done remove winterland mapp plzzzzz.

    Change compe rewards

    Also make 1 shot snipers because no sniper is oneshot at all

    Work on security because too many hackers.

    And we love to play With GMs so put some more events with GM like 3 days in week or saturday and sunday.

    also remove bug that is written 30 min to get reward but its actually 40 minutes

    Last but not least please increase chances to get 4 star item from gachabox,,,,,,i never get anything from that


    Love this gamee always from 2015

  • edited January 2023

    vamos melorar a instabilidade o serve ta caindo muito

  • boa tarde GMs eu sou da epoca de 2008 e voltei a jogar a pouco tempo juntos com uns amigos meus q estao estranhando as mecanicas do jogo e os premios gostaria de da algumas sujestoes para melhorar o jogo e insentivar os plays

    aumentar os dias de recomepensa de scoop

    EXEMPLOS : scoop e silenciador

    3 dias para 7 DIAS

    3 dias para 7 dias


    1 dia para 3 dias

    3 dias para 7 dias


    cada patente uma arma deferente de Gemas com uma quantia de BP

    Arma Gema + 10k de BP


    cada patente ganhar emediato uma quantia de BP pra q incentiva os plays a jogar mas competitivo e continua com as recompensas de fim de temporadas

    EXEMPLOS : XP + BP em salas

    de 100 pra 200 xp e bp

    entao GMs essas sao minhas sujestoes da minha epoca q posso ajudar a voces

  • era bom tbm melhorar nosso servidor BR voces estao esquecendo da gente e isso e errado fala com essa empresa GMs pq se n de pra eles volta pro Garena


    toda hora o servidor cai e isso desanima n so pra 1 e sem pra todos os plays

  • o jogo ta top, os eventos ta top, gostei que a sala favela voltou,  so precisa melhorar o servidor br que esta caindo muito

  • jogei a versão do garena amo esse jogo de coraçao, gostaria de ver esse jogo no topo ainda jogo muito bom, ate hoje continuo jogando.

  • [DE]

    Hey meine lieben GM´s und Entwickler von Blackshot, ich wünsche mir einige dinge aus früherer Zeit wieder:

    1. das man wieder mit 5 Personen in Comp. Zusammen spielen kann
    2. Scope & Silencer wieder für Gold erwerbbar
    3. Sniper schaden erhöhen! Es kann nicht sein, das man mit einer 4/5 Sterne Sniper Hitmarker erzielt, selbst wenn man auf den Oberkörper schießt
    4. mehr BP waffen
    5. alte waffen wiederbeleben (AK-Dragon/AWP-Dragon,AK-Bayrak,MP7 Aurum, etc.)
    6. Alte Charakter Statistik (mit Boddy Trefferquote)
    7. Oldschool Login Screen
    8. Bitte abwechslungsreichere Comp. Belohnungen
    9. Es müssen mehr GM`s angeworben werden, welche nicht bestechlich sind wie einige Aktuelle GM´s (leider)
    10. Möglichkeiten mitspieler, welche im Comp. AFK sind zu kicken und einen neuen Spieler dazu gewinnen
    11. Das alte box system mit den alten preisen, und die möglichkeit eine waffe für 999 day´s ziehen zu können
    12. Waffenpackete optimieren und mit den preisen runter gehen, die sind viel zu überteuert. (damals hat es auch günstig geklappt :) )
    13. der spielmodus UBA wünsche ich mir auch wieder gern zurück

    MFG PikaMykaChuhy <3


    Hey my dear GM's and developers of Blackshot, I wish some things from earlier times again:

    1. the one again with 5 people in Comp. Can play together

    2. Scope & Silencer redeemable for gold

    3. Increase Sniper harm! It cannot be achieved with a 4/5 star Sniper hit marker, even when shooting at the torso

    4. more BP weapons

    5. Revive old weapons (AK-Dragon/AWP-Dragon,AK-Bayrak,MP7 Aurum, etc.)

    6. Old character statistics (with boddy hit rate)

    7. Oldschool Login Screen

    8. Please more varied comp. Rewards

    9. More GMs need to be recruited, which are not bribes like some current GMs (unfortunately)

    10. Opportunities players, which in the comp. AFK are to kick and win a new player

    11. The old box system with the old prices, and the possibility to draw a weapon for 999 day's

    12.Optimize weapons packages and go down with the prices that are far too overpriced.

    MFG PikaMykaChuhy <3

  • Olá equipe, tenho algumas ideias de inovações :D

    1 - Trazer para o game a fomosa faca/melle " KARAMBIT " creio que muitos vão gostar, se possivel para que todos possam ter a chance de comprar com BP

    2 - Trazer a AK Dragon 4 estrelas, desbloqueando ela EM PRO 5 Rifle por BP, seria uma bela recompensa ^^

    3 - Colocar uma configurção para trocar a arma de mão/braço tipo " Esquerda ou direita ". Seria interessante.

    4 - Voltar o competitivo com 5 pessoas, acho que muitos querem isso !

    5 - Colocar um novo scop/luneta red dot para as armas para ser comprado por BP

    6 - Mudar um pouco a premiação dos elos do competitivo

    7 - Trazer de volta para o game o " Partner " famoso PT

    8 - Voltar as recompensar ao upar patentes, " ARMA + BP "

    9 - Serem mais presentes no competitivo se possivel pois está tendo muito hack


    Hello team, I have some ideas for innovations :D

    1 - Bring to the game the famous knife/melle "KARAMBIT" I think many will like it, if possible so that everyone can have the chance to buy with BP

    2 - Bringing the AK Dragon 4 stars, unlocking it EM PRO 5 Rifle for BP, would be a nice reward ^^

    3 - Put a configuration to change the hand/arm type weapon "Left or right". It would be interesting.

    4 - Back to competitive with 5 people, I think many want that!

    5 - Put a new scop/red dot scope for weapons to be purchased for BP

    6 - Change the award of the competitive links a little

    7 - Bring back the famous PT "Partner" to the game

    8 - Reward them when leveling ranks, " WEAPON + BP "

    9 - Be more present in the competitive if possible because there is a lot of hacking

    IGN - WiseTec_

  • Please change competitive rewards its been so long we are keep getting nx1 cyclone or nx1 judgement put some new weapons for competitive rewards

    Also make 1 shot snipers because no sniper is oneshot at all

    Work on security because too many hackers

    Stop the competitive mode and comback Clan War, CW was better competition but in team from 5 players to play with friends, and the old clans system ranks .

    IGN: _logical

  • ola gms

    queria pedi pra q voces volte como era antes o bs pq tamos sendo obrigado a pagarpra pode jogar bem e ainda com u servidor desse caindo muito

    sinto falta dos silenciadores e scoop q era de bp q foi errado vcs terem feito isso vcs acabaram perdendo os plays por conta disso blackshhot cheio de macro e aida eles com armas de gs peso pra quem n pode e ainda joga sem scoop

    vcs fizeram errado ao tira isso da gente q jogava des da epoca de 2008 tira scoop e por pra pagar com dom dionheiro de vdd e ainda tiraram as armas q liberava de bp no mastery poxa GMs vcs fizeram errado isso em

    as armas q nos liberava upando as armas era um objetivo q todos focavam no jogo e agr o jogo ficou sem foco vc colocaram mastry xp 50% ninguem vai querer compra isso se n tem nada pra ganhar se upa a unica coisa q ainda presta e as NX1 o resto das armas q vcs tiraram quebraram totalmente o sentiudo de jogar pq n tem sentido os nivel de arma se n tras benificil algu pra os play correto ?

    vamos melhorar o jogo trazendo tudo isso de volta vcs vao ver q geral vai voltar ja recebi queixa de uns amigos q n voltam a jogar pq tao com as conta zerada e ainda tem q colocar dinheiro direto pra poder jogar bem errado

    voces quebraram o jogo no momento q fizeram isso ai os plays q tbm n gostaram vao usar macro pq com macro da pra trocar tiro com quem e gemado no caso voces msm q trouseram os macros pro bs por conta disso entao veja ai direitinho oq e melhor pra nos plays

  • so queria q o bs voltasse com as coisa q tinha tipo as armas q liberava upando as armas

    as recompensas q dava upando patente

    as missoes q nos podia marca pra pode olhar dentro da sala

    os scoop e silenciares de bp

    cada silenciador 1 dia 5000bp

    scoop 1 dias 7000bp

    se voces fizerem isso vai melhorar muito o jogo pq tem arma q eera de bp q agr e de GS isso foi falta de atençao e consideraçao com os plays

  • Hi,

    Here is my suggestions:

    1. As you may know, the cheaters are getting increased. Eventhough they get ban, they can open new account and by using vpn they can easily access the game. GMs are working during morning and afternoon in their irl job, *you should increase the capacity of GM*. We need more GMs, current GMs are good. We should wait them to ban hackers. During that time, hackers can still play the game.
    2. Competitive can be improveable: *Increasing the level of playing competitive can help*, * New accounts should not play competitive, you can bring play time for that like after playing 50 hours play time in public can make access to play competitive*, and *You can bring 5 player competitive as a new mod, it would be good because some of the players does not want to play with unknown and macro players*
    3. 1 month ago i had over 800k gold, now i have 1.1million gold and still do not know what to do. You can bring a new gacha box which can be openable with gold, and also you can bring new bp weapons, skins, etc.
    4. This game needs "Gamepass", You can give daily rewards to people who have and don't have a gamepass. (Ofcourse different rewards for the people who have gamepass). So that, you can make money more. As you can know all known games are bringing gamepass.
    5. This game needs a good community, if this game can make a good community, so that means more players who never played Blackshot can know and play the Blackshot.
    6. Scope and silencer should be purchesable by gold, bp not by gems.
    7. Mastery rewards are lame, you need to bring old mastery shop and make it different.
    8. You can bring Clan Level 40 and nx1 venganence should not be purchesable easily.

    That is all i wanted to suggest.

    In game nickname: Kailyn_


  • edited February 2023

    new year new Blackshot? Days will show..This update was as usual, fancy 5 stars weapons and outfits/accessories for gems. What does this pattern of updates makes us as a community feel? Like drown/ not heard, I've seen hundreds of feedbacks that lists the same simple things that can be done in a day and yet still a stubborn no reaction from the administration, lets start again shall we?:

    -I must admit the design of the weapons became more professional and good, the new hold for the ak is pretty cool plus the gun buddy on it, and that makes me want to suggest the design team to work on old weapons to redesign them, and it isn't new on this game, guns such as nz1 collection / nx1 collection/ azrael blade were redesigned beautifully, and of course I would love to see new gold based weapons with new creativity, because I do not think the game added any new made gold gun since the start of revolution, this also leads me to point how the gold players side is ignored, few rifles or gold guns are added to the game even if we all know how much content the game has.

    -Balancing: this is a must, the game is unbalanced more than ever, and adding every time 5 stars guns just makes it worse, its time to make some nerfs, and some buffs to guns, how does an AK black isn't able to give a headshot with 1 shot? while norm ak ak47 which is with gems makes that ,It doesn't makes sense if we relate to the point of the revolution updates, Unless the game strategy changed, and it is very clear and i hope it changes to the better now, the game at the moment is focused on bringing new accessories and some gems guns every updates believing its what motivates people to buy weapons, but it isn't relatively true, content is being wasted.

    -A battlepass will be a good add: a battlepass is nowadays on every game and it grants the players rewards in exchange of playing, increasing time for daily rewards from 30 min to 40 min shows how much the game needs players, the battlepass can have free tier and premium and can contain those different weapons that are on the void of the forgotten such as chronos etc.. but also should include some permanent stuff

    -The game should try to go back to the permanent weapons strategy and slowly: Permanent weapons or outfits were such a relieve, but sadly they got deleted from gacha boxes and got nerfed, and again doing that doesn't necessary make people go buy cash days weapons, its such an aggressive way, it makes people leave more. Spread more of the those permanent weapons again and try to balance them with other gem tiers till its fine to have categories of weapons and every weapon in a category have same stats except cosmetics, and that tests the productivity of the design team.

    -Clan wars is dead +comp: no one plays clan wars until the season ends, there are no rewards for each season the clan wars, thats a main reason, the game made 2 places only on comp to stop the farm and also push people to clan wars but it simply didn't work, the community in eu is so dead, no more active clans, comp fix is so easy but it will test the matchmaking system of the game, blocking any high+low elo in same menu from being able to start the queue is a perfect way to stop farming, but are they those many people playing to find games in same elos with no mistakes? i wonder.

    -Fixed rewards: Blackshot always surprised us with different weapons each season and each rank, its attempting to get every season new weapons, it also advertise the weapons the game makes, I suggest to changes comp rewards again and to change rank rewards, it makes no sense to play for millions of exps to get a 3 days weapon. why should i play or rank? there is no more honoring to high ranks.

    -Mastery rewards : Still same problem, everyone asking for old rewards and it make sense, i do no want to repeat and repeat, read every comment it stats the same thing about it, scopes and silencers should be back to that system, how many people buy scopes? 5people? come on it should be back to the system and ofc we need fix for grand master weapons, they are weaker than 3 star weapon, and i am sure you are aware of it, what's stops you ? I do not know to be honest but what i know is community trust in the game is on the minimum and everything depends on you now

    -Conclusion: New year new blackshot is a big sign, can be for good or bad, we want to hear what's the plan for this year, doing a paper of upcoming projects is a goodway and it has been done for the year 2021 even if a lot of good things in it never came out, and again trust is the key, a bank fails when it lose the costumers trust, blackshot or papaya in general should work on more on the security side, the bug i've pointed to still out there, I am an old player, I've seen it all happen, for over 10 years, and I can tell you this game is unplayable at the moment, even 5 stars weapons aren't motivating, so I hope the new blackshot thing is a serious matter

    ign : AMBR0GI0

  • hello gms

    maybe chaging comp system like making 3 members in team

    or reducing the amount of gachaboxes cuz it sso hard to get guns

    and recuiting more gms cuz responding stayed not fast enough an thnx

    ign : _Kakarotto

  • Untitled Image

    Hello Mercs,

    First of all we would like to thank all players that participated and shared their feedback on the update. With this being said, the rewards will be sent to your loadouts soon.

    Don't forget to also participate on the new event here:


    Team BlackShot

This discussion has been closed.