Remove sign up via papaya play.

edited September 2023 in English

Why does papaya play keep allowing fake accounts access to Warrock in 2023?

The sign-up process is making this game awful now. Cannot comment on CQC but check almost every battle-group game there is a fake account created within the last week in almost each room. Plus all these other accounts were created with nothing more than the intent to cause problems. The same "long-term people" keep abusing these bots to start games, spy, and just cause community issues. Every single person who has played battle group within the last 4 weeks will have suffered at some point with a fake unresponsive account on there team.

With one vote kick a day, Personally, I am a little fed up with it. The vote kick gets abused if increased so raising this is not an option.

For the spy accounts, level limits don't work, they never have in this game. The overall player base of Warrock will just not use a level-limited room, so let's forget that option too. Warrock is not attracting new players and all these fake accounts are helping to push players away.

Behind a lot of these fake accounts will be long-term players, people who should be more than experienced by now, and not require any type of assistance from other players, the game, or fake accounts. These fake accounts are being recycled on a daily basis and do nothing but bring negativity towards Warrock.

Remove sign-up from the main website.

Papaya Play needs to end hosting this game by offering a free download/account. You are allowing Warrock to be trashed. Within 60s I can create a new account and be in the game. This problem never ends and no one respects their accounts due to how easy they are to obtain. This game has a core player base so why not look after them?

Make Steam the only option for obtaining an account/download. Then require only verified 12-month or older accounts with no vac bans the option to install the game / create an account in the future. Everyone has a Steam account in 2023 so no excuse there. Plus no current player would be required to do anything. It only affects new accounts. You need to end hosting this game.

The bot problem will be solved with a little time as these fake accounts get removed and cannot be replaced as getting a verified 12+ no van banned steam account is not going to be easy. Players can keep remaking fake accounts freely via Papaya Play.

Any players banned in the future by Papyay, eac would then need to access the game via Steam.

Then it's linked, eac, steam, and account id

This is not 100%, but it limits a lot more people than open to everyone!

Or open 2nd server and allow real verified access. Facebook is easy to connect with and has its security tight enough that fake accounts won't be a problem. Everyone gets one chance then.

Shut the doors. Keep them out for good.


  • I'm not looking to block new players from joining. Nor Papaya to drop this game. But a free sign-up is dumb in 2023 this game has a very small player base and quite a few people are causing this game many problems, due simply to how easy accounts are to obtain. Turn it off and direct all new players to Steam.

  • edited September 2023

    I made the above without a clue just hours later Warrock would see a new anti-cheat enter.

    So Long Eac, You never caught me. Thanks for all the verified bans.

    All the hard work done by EAC over the past 7 years for what? the same people to still be around this game causing problems?

    leaving the door open for cheats of all types to easily return for another round. As many times as they wish. What is the point of an anti-cheat in the game when papaya play doesn't put steps in place to make accounts harder to obtain?

    Why is steam not being used?

  • edited September 2023

    Still bothers me today.

    7 years ago, Nothing has been done to address the fake account problem Warrock suffers from. Each time I log into Warrock to find the same people abusing fake accounts.

    Why is it still going on every single game? (in Bg)

    Why is Steam now not being used? This simple switch with a 12-month-old, no-vac ban restriction would almost halt the bot issue.

    Why are verified emails not required, could at least shut off the 10-minute fake emails from sign-up.

    The team never replies to real questions that affect this game. Just sit back and allow the problem to continue.

    How are we meant to mentor new players? when the game allows long-term accounts to create fake accounts to abuse each room they enter and with so few rooms they now affect almost every game.

    Hey, what's on sale this month? The team will answer this.

    Beta then 2007-2023

  • Correct plenty of clowns exploiting fake accounts. Its time it stopped.

    Thanks for your input.

  • edited September 2023

    True plenty of clowns camping in corners not moving and complaining non stop. Its time to press W.

    Thanks for your Input.

  • I feel this guy has nothing constructive to say on the OP and has once again come to troll another important topic as it would effect him and his friends if players where verified for an account before being allowed access.

    Lets stay on topic

  • edited September 2023

    Oh, but you changed the topic & talked about me. Yet all i did was to express my opinion via a picture.

  • Look at all these pointless screens you collect... Shame you do not have any of you lined up ready to start a game.

    You have avoided starting a game against me for how long now?

  • I said there are plenty of clowns exploiting these fake accounts, you just happen to be one of them.

  • Fake Accounts in every room. It's time to shut the doors and require some more verification for an account.

    Combined these idiots are ruining a lot of games and the staff never steps in.

    This 9-month-old account trying to kick me.

    When this fails, the fake account steps in less than 60s later.

    (we have been here before many times)

    This account has not done anything since 2019, Now it's in the game in 2023 trying to remove me from the game after a failed vote.

    26 kills and 590 deaths.

    Fake accounts,

    Cut out all the Bs chat in between within these threads. These all show one problem. Users abusing fake accounts to gain an advantage in many different ways, from loading teams, spying, using to pad Kd, And as seen above harras other players.

  • Guess its just that no one likes you, therefore you get kicked out of every single match. πŸ€·β€β™‚οΈ

  • Maybe I am not the problem. It's really you and your friends being bad at this game.

  • if your definition of skill is to sit in a corner all day hiding then - yes we are bad pushing around killing players getting bases.

  • The account was created in 2019 close to 4 years ago. The account has not leveled up in all this time.


    It's still level 2 after 4 years and has left the battlefield over 100 times. Been killed 589 times and only made 20 kills prior to this game as when I rejoined this account had a positive KD.

    Really going to try and argue that this is not a fake account.

  • edited September 2023

    A small group of toxic people intent on ruining every room they enter. Just to gain an advantage. every single game, every single day and the papaya play staff just sit back and

    The server is dead... I created this room to spend the afternoon playing Warrock.

    All these players like usual are sat in the lobby, waiting, waiting for the next game to screw over the teams. Never enter the room, ready up, maybe chill, and wait for more players to join starting a game 5v5 or more. All these players want every game to start 2 vs. 1 so they can load up one side and proclaim to everyone how good they are.

    I started against the yellow marker 1v1 and sat watching as this group of players ruined another game within 2 minutes of the room starting. in/out/in/out.

    They have all spent money here, yet cherry-picking the teams of each game on a dead server. Refusing to play against each other and as you will see below, when they do end up opposite, they just cause problems or cannot kill anyone.

    Off Errick runs to the tower, there is a theme here. just like the fake accounts.

    He had left just as I capture. Also, check out the bot Marra, used to pad the teams and then exit. 7k hours, 0.6 Instead of messing about like this why not learn to play? As said this small group really affects so many games between them.

    They all flood the room at once, stacking one side. this is why most of them have fake stats. 60+ kills every game, 90+ % winrate. Paying to then never play anyone else who has paid. Guess this why i have such a fan club, they envy me

    Another game this group of people have ruined, This happens daily. It is been going on for so long, all these people not wanting to play each other with BS reasons,

    3v7 within 2 minutes like every game, some people listed there only ever play a game starting with every base.

    Never been seen at the start, lined up. unless there is a sale then they are all battling to be the first in line.

    Let us move on to my second attempt of the day to play a game of Warrock.

    I was hesitant to play thinking they would exit. They did play, look at some of the scores... its laughable how some people speak outside this game when this is the outcome each and every time they have ever been seen in a balanced environment.

    But wait, we cannot have a balanced environment with this group of losers, send in the cheat.

    No surprise that Janko has left the room. Another pay to hide bad aim player swapping teams each game, its never-ending, and its not new players who are the problem...

    His stats show 60 kills each and every game... as all he does is kill fake accounts. He claims it's skills so these guys should be in trouble now.

    3-6 This guy is already having issues. I've said all along match me and ur useless. least you had other weapons to switch to though as 1-4 slots it is just a lot harder than your Iq can match.

    There is no time limit, so it was a slow game maybe an hour?

    Anyway, as above. We are a few minutes on and the Clown is by the tower ( see the theme) having not moved since joining. Maybe waiting for a plane?

    It becomes clear he is just sitting in the tower not moving. All of my screens are in different areas of the map. He was the only one on the team not playing, we know why, some guy is negative on the other team and needs assistance again. Like every game.

    Been sitting in this tower for almost 20 minuets.

    Meanwhile, Someone is just getting violated, No wonder he came armed with extra weapons and a spy account on the enemy team ( once again)

    Check my game logs. Today was the first time logging in since Friday. I created these rooms. So why when I try to vote kick this cheat does it say invalid? One kick a day and when I choose to use it this player is blocked from being removed.

    I think it is fair to remove a player who has not moved in 15 minutes. Shame he has this feature disabled.

    Cheat sat in the tower for the duration of the game doing nothing more than causing problems. Every room they enter turns out like this.

    That is two games in a row they have affected. I logged in, tried to play, and logged out.

    I wanted to spend the early evening playing Warrock as I have done for the past 17 years. Once again this group of toxic banned players has been allowed to ruin yet another game. Why is nothing ever done about this? It is the same account each day!

    They are pushing legit players away from this game as every room is being affected!

  • edited September 2023

    You are so predictable xDDDD i knew you would flex with the kill made by Jelibon who just spawned behind me when i pushed b8. Aswell as 0 Spy accounts. Straight up lying again MrErr0r? :) xDDDDDDD

    Typical brain issues right there. Grow Up. Little AlderShot Syndrom 40 years old kid.

  • Clearly cannot play this game without causing problems. What we see above happens each game. Just a cheat with a lot of excuses.

  • If they commit fraud they don't care about this. You both argue like children. Quitting the game is a healthy idea, or maybe go outside, seek exercise by taking a walk, ride a bike, play a sport, lift weights, socialize with other humans outside of your homes instead of over the internet. Read a book, go to back to school... go sky diving? Go learn how to fight, fly a kite, race cars, go fishing... PLAY A DIFFERENT GAME...? Go see a doctor about addiction issues. Learn about our planet or the universe.. instead of complaining about the ancient code this game has to offer. The same trolls who sit on the game 24/7 will not change unless you recommend it. Learn how to enjoy life without a computer screen. Try it, you might be surprised at what you can accomplish if you put your mind to it.

    You literally only live once then you're gone. Why spend all your precious time raging at one another?


    Good luck. πŸ˜΅πŸ’

  • Look kom, another thread highjacked,

    Adding 2 more vote kicks.

    This shows they understand the problem. Now long term players will be using fake accounts, all with 3 votes. Clans members will use this to team stack.

    Try to address one issue and create a load more. Lets be honest here, vote kicks were not being used for problem players.

    As you see above a serial cheater cannot be vote kicked. This system is flawed anyways

    Not only will they be spying you have increased chance of being kicked out the room.

    Open up the 2nd server with a way to fully verify a player. Make it a pay to join server. If removed the bank details are blocked.

    Look in warrock accounts section, link facebook? Why us it not being used.? No fan pages, real people with real accounts.

    Why is steam with its layers of protection not being used?

    Attach discord. Another layer.

    So let me ask what's the punishment for false vote kicking? Can some brand new account enter a room and kick me?

  • Any account over 5? 10? Years old should be exempt from being voted out the room. Majority of cheats listed are new accounts, so it makes sense only newish accounts can be voted.

    Or are team warrock going to allow the same people behind these fake accounts to harass anyone they dislike mostly some of this games oldest accounts?

  • edited February 2024


  • So what's the punishment for false vote kicks?

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