Dragonforce and his cheats



  • Look dragonforce this time, depending on a cheat. Every game he plays

    Admins what are you doing?

  • The two cheats, look at the scores miles above everyone else. letting a 33 hour account fast flag every base.

  • 10 points when i exit, 96 when game ends, leaving 86 kills, two cheats made 52 of them

    Admins sitting by not watching doing nothing about them. Never a single admin to PM while they play.

  • He is a hacker himself and thus distracts attention from himself.

  • as i already wrote once:

    Kids like you crying about me since more than 10 years & 3 different publishers. And yet i am not banned. Weird right?. Maybe you should just accept that i am legit :)

  • Played for 10 years but you hang around with accounts made last week.ย ๐Ÿ™„

  • What do you expect from 2013 player like little morit dragon? :omegalul: shaddyx bannedo >AGAIN< kkk GUTE FARMER.

  • edited May 2021

    I'm for fair play and against assholes like you.

    You and your hacker friends did everything to make the players leave the game.

    The publisher will have to think about who is more important to him.

    You and your friends are hackers or other players.

  • edited May 2021

    2013 Player ? LUUL i started WR 2007 as cqc & uo player called "trabbie2" which i later nickchanged to "aiport33". In early 2009 i created a new acc called "snipermum" and started to play BG only. Which is this acc here btw :)

    Whats your history ? i see. Sitting on daddys lap, while you asked him if you could play a little bit until 2018 your dad stopped to play WR and you continued his acc :) xddd

    You are a 2018 Player playing on Daddys old Acc xdd You dont even have a "own" acc, you are a nothing, just hiding behind smoke with broken OP weapons :) xd How sad is that but having big mouth always and everywhere which is the reason why i muted you several month ago hahahahahahahahahahaha biggest moron ive seen so far xd

    Men your playstyle must be a shame for your dad.

  • Big load of crap, but no worries, u can't achieve anything else, you are just german frustrated farmer after primary school :omegalul:. tRaBBie2 XDDDDDDDDDDDD, sniPERmUm XDDDDD. WHOAH, I fell of my chair! You clearly need to add on ur list nicknames like:

    • xLucax3, MasaustuTR, Amneziax3, Sammiee, Backbrutal, vAlentinO5, vented.

    Bรฝg playerka! Bรฝg mechanicka in his abandoned village. U owe some 2013 strap on ur ANIME dragonforce account LuL!

    U need to be alone for some time, im so sorry for that.. but hey! NO WORRIES, ur boyfriend harib0t will back to help you sabotage some games with his SMALL schluckauf :OMEGALUL: OF COURSE after his another ban :))))))). buhahahaahahahahahha

    Now go play ur 3 maps on BG, cause u can't leave em, otherwise 0-30. confirmado!

    A complete peasant, cheers :).

  • edited May 2021

    xDDDD you just proven yourselfe to be the biggest Joke of all time :) Gz xddd+

    get an own acc before you talk pls :) little 2018 Player :D

  • Supermum, was that due to her paying for your credits ? lolz.

  • Snipermum* as snipermummy. But that nick was already taken back then.

  • For you to take damage need to have a good internet connection. Otherwise, when you see where shoot to you and kill. You have a weapon with 95-100% accuracy. You are a little moritz without a hack. You're a coward. You are afraid that all players will get a good server and connection.

  • and i will write it again:

    Kids like you crying about me since more than 10 years & 3 different publishers. And yet i am not banned. Weird right?. Maybe you should just accept that i am legit :)

    + i prefer to play vs Players with good connection. I dont want to get deadlagged from players like xlmlx or all those Brazil players.

  • edited May 2021

    Why are you so afraid that the publisher will change the old server to a modern game server?

    Your script or hack will not work and you will start receiving damage? ))

    That's why you're afraid you come up with an excuse for the publisher to continue renting an old shitty server RISE-1 intended for forums )) not for online games.

    The fact that you have not yet been caught does not mean that you legit

  • When there was p2p the connection was not such a bad connection between the players.

    Now when the connection through the server should be even better but the old server has no way to meet the requirements online shooter

  • DragonForceWR

    xlmlx player from the usa. Do you want to say that the internet in the usa is bad?))) You moron fucking french server can't work fast.

  • No. But the NetCode isnt created for such Distances. Wont u understand it ? Man srsly.

  • Idiot who checked the game on a modern server? Never. The modern server will be worse than the old one you mean? )) Do you understand that the old server has an old network card? Or do you think a fucking OVH CLOUD FRANCE will install a modern network card special for warrock? )))))))

    Netcode sees miles and kilometers?)) There is a distance but this is solved by modern technologies and not by whining.

  • Dude. Do you even know what the Netcode is ? Its is how the game connects and reacts. Everything is based on the Netcode. IF THE GAMES NETCODE IS OUTDATED AND NOT MEANT FOR A GLOBAL MARKET, NO HARDWARE IN THE WORLD WILL FIX THAT ISSUE. THATS NOT HARD TO UNDERSTAND DUDE.

  • The moron at that time did not have modern processors and server processors could not cope with the tasks. Now there are modern multi-threaded servers with fast network cards, and even more so now there is fiber. What are you telling me nonsense? Everyone knows this game is old, but at least the fucking server for this game can be modern? Don't write me any more verbal diarrhea.

  • Dude. As i already wrote. Even Private Servers had the same Issues because the NetCode is causing the laggs. Not the Servers by its own.

  • edited May 2021

    When I play at night I have one netcode, when in the daytime it is different?))) In the morning, a good response from the server, and when there are 200-300 players different. Oh, this netcode or fucking French server. Nexon also rented servers from the same OVH CLOUD FRANCE. Moron do you mean the old netcode is for the old server?))

    The problem is that the publisher doesn't want to pay the fucking โ‚ฌ30 more than they currently pay for the server rent.

    How can be so dumb and destroy the game? How ?????

  • Papaya, accounts must have value.

    Accounts you must authorize to sell and buy through you.

    Account after 6 months or 1 year of use must be allowed to be placed under your guarantees on your website.

    Players must have an interest in playing.

    You understand that now accounts have depreciated due to your actions.

    You want to sell crates, but nobody wants them.There is no point in investing money in accounts.

    Is it so hard to understand?

  • edited May 2021

    Played for 10 years but you hang around with accounts made last week.ย ๐Ÿ™„

    Challenged Morty to a map he don't play ( he only plays 3) and look 0-1 I kill him and guess who shows up seconds latter. The Hacker help. ๐Ÿ˜ฎ

    Always hiding behind cheaters. ๐Ÿ‘Ž๏ธ

  • This moron dies if your internet with lags. If you have a good internet connection without lag, you are a good target for him and he does not take damage.

  • Germany has the best server connection. It's not fair papaya.

  • edited May 2021

    Try streaming and playing at the same time. Raise the stream speed to get lag. Try wifi too. This moron dies easily when you have a lag. Otherwise, he may take 20 bullets to the head and not receive damage. Most likely he changed something with the network traffic and therefore is so sure that he will not be caught. This moron moves faster than other players and takes almost no damage.

  • mORTY cannot play this game without a cheat for backup.

    so many games he hiding behind these low lvl accounts.

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