Change some items names that contradict with religious beliefs

There are some items that have God in their naming like "Wind God's charm". this naming convention is contradicting with some religious beliefs. you may change it to "expert sailor's instructions" or "Christopher Columbus's lost book " as example and avoid using words like "sun God/ wind God..., etc."


  • Why? Why? Why?????? not sure if this is a joke thread but incase you're actually serious, maybe you should understand a few things.

    1. The word 'God' isn't and can't be contradicting to any religious belief for the reason that the term GOD is a generic term not a specific label. The word God just means " a divine or supreme being" that's it! how is that insulting to any theology? God isn't even a name since every belief has a name for their deity or in the case of polytheism, they have many names for all the different gods that they believe in (like in Hinduism).
    2. This game has been out for 20 years now and is played on many different servers internationally and has had 1000's upon 1000's of players over the years. Dispite this not a single person over the years has made a post that they are insulted by the generic use of the word 'god' until now and even still you only speak for yourself not anyone else. Koei isn't going to change every item and reference in this game because ONE person doesn't understand what they are asking lol.
    3. If you are so offended by the word "god" then maybe you should complain to the American government since the US 1 dollar bill states right on it "IN GOD WE TRUST", but they don't state what god. The US currency is the most circulated GLOBALLY and yet no country or belief system has ever stepped up to complain about that statement.

    Food for thought...

  • Hello,

    I think you misunderstood the reasons for my objections. I will try to clarify them in bullets and simple sentences as English is not my mother tongue.

    1- The reason for my objection is not about the word "GOD" itself. Actually, I am a Muslim and I believe in GOD, and I believe there is only one true GOD (so I actually like the "in GOD we trust" phrase).

    2- The objection is about using the word GOD in gaming combined with other words like "SUN GOD/WIND GOD" etc., as it was in pagan civilizations.

    3- One reason for the objection is that this use contradicts my own belief that there is only one GOD. It also contradicts Jewish/Christian beliefs.

    4- Another reason is that the game is a historical game, and the historical period of the 16th and 17th centuries was a religious era. The great powers in this era were either the Ottoman Empire (a Muslim empire) or European Nations (Christian civilizations that later became secular), so there weren't any pagan great powers in this era.

    5- The game would be more realistic if the names of actual influential persons were used for the boost items.

    6- I know the game has been out for 20 years, but that doesn't mean there is no room for suggestions.

    7- This is a real suggestion, not a joke, so please respect it.

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