5 years is a long time. 5 years ago the game was in a very different state to the one it's in today. Even with the same luck and means as you, I don't think your experiences can ever be replicable in today's environment.
Yes 5 years is a very long time to have to build a character to a top level especially when you are doing it grinding in game monies to pay for your stuff. I'm not saying that it will take everyone that long but that's what it took me. Now i'm not online as many hours as some people that play this game. I work and go to school, so during the week I can only get a few hours in a evening, weekends are better but even then I do have a RL also and sometimes don't log on for long even then. This is one of the reasons it took me so long to finally get a top ship. But that was just a ship, it didn't take me that long to get my other stuff like gear. It was a slow gradual building process over that time to get everything i needed, because i had to do it ingame not though spending thousands of dollars on coves. Sure i've tried to get my stuff in cove but wasn't successful so i'd have to get stuff in game instead. I even say this in my first post to greek "I just recently finally got a top tier ship but it took 5 years of playing with less but still having fun in the game.
Greekmeta clearly wants to be part of that experience (even you said you've seen him doing piracy) but is obviously frustrated he can't afford to be on the same lvl as p2w players as he put it but has only been playing 2years (if he had as much top tier stuff like others then he wouldn't have made that statement). I can't control if other people spend hard in this game to get all the top stuff and not every person that plays this game with top stuff got it though p2w. Best I can offer greek was some advice, which I did in the very first post to him...
Many players here have been playing for a very long time to make their setups so people WILL be richer than you. You will only ruin your own experience in this game if you obsess over what others have over you. See other players as inspirations to build towards rather than 'why do they get that and i don't' attitude.
top items are a luxury not a necessity. If you work towards it you can be on the same level as them.
The VERY first statement I made in this thread about the game right in my first post!
This is not a game that gives 'quick rewards', you have to work for them or be satisfied with having less.
There's 2 ways of getting stuff playing this game... 1 in game doing a loooooonnnnnggg grind for ducets (convert to ct) or... 2 pay into uwc heavily playing cove. Greek even showed that he understood the difference and corrected his meaning in his second post. there is a combination of many things to reach a point. PVP is p2w, or let's say pay to progress faster.... if u pay u progress ahead like 6 months. Pay to progress doesn't entirely mean cove, it would also mean buying ct directly to have as instant funds in game to do something like buy an expensive ship of of chat.
I'm sorry your comp mates don't play anymore (or as much anymore) because of the messed up cash system but you can't blame me for being successful. I certainly don't like the in game market but have been forced to use it over the years do to lack of success trying out cove. I"m NOT the only one who's done that, CPC posted here with similar story about being non cash player and I provided a link to a previous thread that has all kinds of people that posted who weren't p2w and are constant players who have fun and are successful playing with less. Just because i'm the only player that posts regularly on the forums about it doesn't mean i'm speaking on behalf of any other player. I'm just relating my experience to let people know that it's not "impossible or just a dream" but you have to put the time in, how much time is up to you. There's more of us in the game than you give credit for.
I made 2 posts about this issue in my responses to Greetmeta. I'd advise you to actually read my posts (the sections are labeled) where I clearly state that i'm appalled at what's going on with ssip's, I openly state my feeling on this! So don't even think that i don't believe there's no problems with the game! But I also gave solutions to getting them as well as a proposal to papaya (even if it will never happen), either way I atleast made the effort! As for 'if they're important to me' or not, I already showed that i don't use alot of ships My first maritime ship MR (modified real) I used competitively for the first 3years of Maris until I got my RNG (royal neapolitan galleass) which I used for the next 2years of the server until now
so really i only needed ssip's for 2 ships over the past 5 years (not incl light/med ship for esf). Back then ssip's only averaged 25m so they were affordable in game and my need was low for them. Recently (past 6months) i got a second light ship for esf and the pasr so i needed ssips for them which i got a combination of ways. some i got from treasure chest, some i had sitting around for a couple years and others i bought in game (50m) but i minimized this by trying to suppliment them other ways. My erg for light i had some uwc and was able to top off directly from uwc shop for what i needed but the pasr i had to get in game ssips from chat. My need might be low but I still don't agree with the current state of pricing on them.
You talk about F2P players and cash players and non-cash players (whatever "cash player" means to you), while continually downplaying the value of the not 1 but 2 brave pendants
I've never downplayed the value on the BP at all, quite the opposite actually. The fact that it's a powerful item is the whole reason why i mentioned it! It's one of the top tier items in the group, and it's important for the context of the thread to know this is a factor which is why i stated it right at the start, this is part of being an open and honest person, I have noting to hide. If i wanted to 'downplay' the value of it then i wouldn't have even mention it in the first place!
I just really genuinely don't feel it's a satisfactory thing to use your gameplay which is clearly quite far from an F2P player's as an example.
if this was you original 'agenda' then you could've just stated that instead of trolling the forum trying to make me out as some liar. If you don't think i'm a f2p player then you are entitled to your opinion, but just because that's your view doesn't make it true. I'm the only one that knows what i earned vs what i paid for in this game over the past 5 years of Maris. If you don't believe me then so be it, that's your issue and yours alone.
"Yes 5 years is a very long time to have to build a character to a top level especially when you are doing it grinding in game monies to pay for your stuff. I'm not saying that it will take everyone that long but that's what it took me. Now i'm not online as many hours as some people that play this game. I work and go to school, so during the week I can only get a few hours in a evening, weekends are better but even then I do have a RL also and sometimes don't log on for long even then. This is one of the reasons it took me so long to finally get a top ship. But that was just a ship, it didn't take me that long to get my other stuff like gear. It was a slow gradual building process over that time to get everything i needed, because i had to do it ingame not though spending thousands of dollars on coves. Sure i've tried to get my stuff in cove but wasn't successful so i'd have to get stuff in game instead. I even say this in my first post to greek "I just recently finally got a top tier ship but it took 5 years of playing with less but still having fun in the game." (direct quote)
No. No. No.
You totally misunderstood what I was saying by that, read what I said again.
It's very specifically not about how long it took you. It's about the variables beyond you.
I was talking about how in the 5 years since Maris has launched, the game and the server has enormously changed.
SSIPs were something like 5m each at launch, now 50m or more, and you know as well as I do they've been even higher than that at points.
Everything was really quite cheap at launch.
Everyone knows the stories of how CT were once upon a time only 300m each and whatnot and now they're anywhere from 1b to 1.5b to 2b each.
This is common knowledge.
That is the point I was making:
The server has changed. The game has changed.
And it's not just launch prices vs. now, far from it.
There's far more to it than that.
As an example, when Sea of Wonders was first released, Strange Cannons sold for a lot because it was new and everyone wanted hyper cannons since they were the new best, and the strange cannons themselves were quite a rare drop compared with now since the chests used to sometimes drop nothing, now they always drop something at least. So that is now gone. When Frozen Leviathan was first released some of the armour pieces sold for over 100 CT. That will never happen again.
On the JP server when rare trade goods were first released they were quite overpowered such that they're one of the very few things KOEI has ever bothered to balance over the years (in this case they got nerfed almost immediately. Also KOEI not balancing anything is another one of the biggest problems with the game but that's another topic). We received them in their already-nerfed state, but the people on JP server who utilised their pre-nerf state had an influx that is no longer replicable.
The list goes on.
These are very specific stages in the game's development that are not replicable. Meaning they cannot happen again.
Now, sure, there may be other such stages that pop up over time, but they vary greatly in reward and all by nature will be limited in how much reward they can provide, for how long and for how many people can even utilise them before they're expired or the opportunities in question disappear (e.g. once all the people willing to pay absurd prices just to be the first to have something get what they want, then the opportunity is gone).
This very often has nothing to do with players or their unwillingness to make use of these things, almost exclusively it's just not being as lucky or not being in the right place at the right time like some were. That's fine (to a point), as you say, some people will end up better off than others merely by circumstance.
This point and the discussion is around potential newcomers to the scene who haven't yet had these opportunities, and might NEVER have them because they might just not be lucky enough, particularly when many such opportunities can also just be grabbed by people who are already very well off and have the means and time to do it (see: pretty much every event besides bingo if you can even call that an event, particularly the semi-recent lvl 95 event and the drama surrounding that with some people taking multiple reward spots).
I'll return to my original point. The game is not in the same state it was 5 years ago, and a lot has changed over those years and a lot of things have come and gone. Your experiences therefore may not (and very likely ARE not) replicable just by someone spending the same time even with the same playstyle and whatever extrinsic factors like if they spent exactly as much money as you or perhaps even more.
"As for 'if they're important to me' or not" (direct quote)
Whether SSIPs are important to you or not was totally irrelevant, that was the whole point of saying that.
I'll repeat that for clarity: The irrelevance of the importance or value of SSIPs or other random not-what-you-call "top tier" to you or lack thereof was the point I was making with that. They are relevant in so far as they existed.
"Greekmeta clearly wants to be part of that experience (even you said you've seen him doing piracy)" (direct quote)
Are you talking to me here? I wasn't the one who said that, I think you got my post confused with cali's.
"This is one of the reasons it took me so long to finally get a top ship. But that was just a ship, it didn't take me that long to get my other stuff like gear." (direct quote)
Your gear, to my knowledge is quite expensive. The "top ship" (direct quote) you're referring to is PASR right? (Based on mentions of it in this post, apologies if I'm misunderstanding)
There's a PASR for sale 130 CT atm.
I think saying "it took me so long to finally get a top ship" (direct quote) is a little disingenuous when the "top ship" (direct quote) in question costs significantly less than the sum of the gear you say it didn't take as long to get (meaning you could have just as easily gotten the ship a long time ago). It could also be argued that your RNG was top tier, particularly when it came out, but it's whatever.
Even at its peak pricing (PASR peaked at 400ish I believe?) it's less than the sum of your gear to my knowledge.
It's also worth noting that although it may be considered a "top ship" (direct quote) now, I'm not sure for how long that will be the case given the PALA has increased the maximum durability and crew and thus raised the definition of "top tier" (direct quote), and the release of newer, more powerful/stupid cannons. So again it goes back to what I said in one of my previous posts about how the disparity and distance between low/mid and high/top tier ships will just continue increasing.
"If you don't think i'm a f2p player then you are entitled to your opinion, but just because that's your view doesn't make it true." (direct quote)
There's a quote from The Princess Bride I think is relevant here:
"You keep using that word. I do not think it means what you think it means..."
F2P stands for "Free To Play", correct? Free as in free beer, not free as in freedom.
I don't know a single person (besides you) that would say that spending-money is factually equivalent to not-spending-money.
It goes far beyond a mere "opinion" (direct quote), I can say with FACT that if money is spent then what was obtained cannot be considered to have been obtained free of charge.
You seem to use it as a contrast to "P2W" or "cash player", again, correct?
In my (and others' I know) opinion, this is incorrect usage of the term.
"Free to play" means not-spending-money fullstop.
Your usage of "P2W"/"Pay to Win" is reasonable though I know some disagree and consider ANY money spent to be P2W.
To me at least: pay to win means spending money for the purposes of "winning", which usually implies spending a large amount of money, whatever is required to "win".
A "cash player" on the other hand, would be anyone who is not "free to play", but DOES NOT in and of itself also mean "pay to win". Whereas you seem to use the term as being identical in meaning to P2W, which I do not believe it is.
You can spend money without paying to win. This seems to be in line with what you say you do. That would make you a "cash player" but not "pay to win", and by definition would make you not free to play.
Also you've brought up CPC several times saying I should read their posts. To my knowledge they quit years ago, so I don't know that their thoughts on the current state of the game years later are of much help, so I'm not really interested. But that's just me.
"I clearly state that i'm appalled at what's going on with ssip's" (direct quote)
Good, everyone should be, the situation is appalling and I hope KOEIPaya are ashamed of themselves. I never said you weren't appalled at it and there was no implication of that and it certainly was not the reason I mentioned SSIPs.
"I'd advise you to actually read my posts" (direct quote)
Given there's been some misinterpretations (and pretty big ones like the 5 years thing) and a misunderstanding regarding who said what about Greekmeta, I would also "advise you to actually read my posts" (direct quote) and cali's post since they were the one who talked about Greekmeta. If you have already actually read them, then perhaps reading them again might clear up any remaining confusion I haven't dealt with in this post.
I hope you also read my response to Falcon so that you have a fuller understanding of where I'm coming from with my views on the game and its future.
I was talking to you here but this part of the statement was a mistake. I normally log off around midnight for bed and it was already after that when i was making the post so I was tied at the time. This is why part of cali's post spilled over here since both of you made posts.
If you don't think i'm a f2p player then you are entitled to your opinion, but just because that's your view doesn't make it true.
This was also misworded. By this point it was now 1am and I just wanted to close the post to get to sleep I was so tied lol. It was suppose to say (and makes more sense) If you think i'm a p2w player then you are entitled to your opinion, but just because that's your view doesn't make it true.
p2w vs f2p
p2w is an odd term since there's really nothing to 'win' in this game, there's no end and new stuff is continually added. But it seems to have settled as a term to refer to players that invest large amounts of monies in the game to make sure they have all the top stuff right away (they pay for it as opposed to working for it).
f2p This game is set up as a "free to play" game which is true however... The problem with this is that until recently (with the addition of treasure chests) you couldn't mod your ships at all since ssip's weren't available in game, only as a 'cash item'. This is why many new players tend to leave early in their play ( they can't mod ships without using cash items ssip's), and since ssip's have been so over priced in game the last couple years it leaves them few options. As you said Free to play" means not-spending-money fullstop.
There's are the 2 extremes in the game but it leaves quite a large 'grey area' in between. Some people don't need much maybe just some ssip's for a ship, or just for storage etc..., while others could spend more like pop up shop, occasional cove, even buying ct directly to top off their ingame cash to buy something off chat when an opportunity comes up.
p2p 'pay to progress' seems like the best way to describe everything in-between but this would really cover most people in game. At some point in a players time here they will need or want something from the cash shop. I'll even use myself as an example. when Maris first started everyone had to start over. Some people have the advantage to spend more time online than others so will progress faster. By the end of gama i was into pvp but had to start all over on Maris. Now because my time was limited going to school full time at that point I had to dump abunch of cash into the game to 'progress' faster to be able to stay at a competitive lvl with those players that could spend more time and/or money. So back then I guess i would be considered a 'p2w' player. But all that gear and ships from back then are now pretty much worthless and 'low tier' by today's standards. In 2020 the pandemic hit and all work stopped, it was also the year that papaya started releasing the big power ships and gear like superior brave set. In order to get any of it I had to work for it in game to make money to afford it since I was out of work then due to global events. So now all the ships and gear I use (except BP) was made by doing a slow grind in game to get it. Eventhough I've spent money in the game over the years I still had to earn my gear without direct money investment. So I guess you could call me a 'cash' player or not it's subjective to if an individual view. Your usage of "P2W"/"Pay to Win" is reasonable though I know some disagree and consider ANY money spent to be P2W. Then wouldn't this be everyone then since if you spend money to buy ssip's to mod ship then you are 'spending' money? Again these terms are subjective. I think this is why i included the statement...
You will only ruin your own experience in this game if you obsess over what other have over you.
The game has changed over the past 5 years you are right but the game has to change in order to evolve and keep it interesting. The PASR is a good example. It was averagely selling for 200ct last fall. I wanted the PROG but 450ct was beyond my budget so i went for the more affordable. I gave some advice to greek about shopping on chat...But prices change constantly to the point where i've seen ships selling at 200ct one week then 130 the following week lol. Sometimes you'll have to pay an inflated price but that really comes down to 'how badly do you want that?' Ironically I was talking about myself. I bought the PASR for 200 ct because I wanted it to use for the upcoming ESF that month but within a week the price dropped to 130ct, so I lost 70ct because 'I didn't want to wait' lol. But i knew this would eventually happen (just not the next week).
As for CPC, I mention her because she posted here with her experience. Although she doesn't play anymore her experience is relevant here since there's was a cash system back then just like there is here now. When I first joined Gama, i was one of those new players that thought i'd never be able to afford high end gear but i was wrong. First i discovered that I could play on a competitive lvl without all the top stuff, then over time I found that I could get to that top lvl if i worked for it.
The game state sucks yes, and of course it would be much better with a higher player base but that's not the case. We have to play with what we have or move on to another game if we don't like it here anymore that's really the only reality all of us have to accept. I just love this game in general with or without problems and will continue to play for as long as I can. If i can help someone along the way with my knowledge then I will. If my advice works for them then I've contributed to the game by making someone's game experience better even if it's not for everyone. Everyone's game is 'their' game and will be different from everyone else's...
As cali mentioned, this post's title is: "The game is dying // Post your own ideas on what to change and save it! Make Papaya listen us" (direct quote)
My complaints are not merely complaints for the sake of complaining, they go to the purpose of the post which is to point out flaws in the game that KOEIPaya could potentially fix but currently don't seem interested in doing.
The game does have to change and evolve, but my point is just that being able to get all the stuff you have should not be considered to be replicable and it's something that needs fixing. People should be able to achieve their dreams if they work for it and spend enough time.
That's the whole point of playing a game like this I think, fulfilling those fantasies or dreams, even if it takes time.
But in its current state it just can't be *reasonably* done and that is a problem.
"But in its current state it just can't be reasonably done and that is a problem."
Correct. It is not and the game's sad little population reflects that issue. Koei has failed to maintain the game beyond a bunch of repetitive garbage most gamers could care less about. As Cali stated, neither PP or Koei cares. It is interesting to see someone with experience on the Japan server also point out the lack of care Koei has drifted into. If the only updates to look forward to are Legacies and Ganadors, then there is little use in continuing to play for me, too. Like Cali, I am here for the Company and to try and help where i can, but the gameplay itself for me is stale and not fun. i went back to SW for a bit, but without an updated SW database, it is nothing but a repetitive mess. The original poster, like many before, has a belief that with the right suggestions, changes will be made. Not gonna happen. We must each either find the fun for our play style or walk away like hundreds of others.
"But in its current state it just can't be reasonably done and that is a problem."
I've agreed with this as well but I believe that one of the root problems deals with the ssip issue especially with what the resellers have done to ruin the game making the standard for them such a high cost. I made a point about this in my opening post.
Papaya can solved the problem of population and kill these resellers by making ssip's available INGAME. On the Japanese server you can get them in game various ways (so i'm told) but that server is subscription base. The best way is to have them gotten at the palace secretary (like OSP) where you could buy them for like 10-20m each or have them crafted like OSP's. After all, THIS IS A SAILING GAME so make it easier for players to enjoy that aspect both cash and non cash players!
This one idea alone won't fix every problem, i know but I've noticed that more lately when people are bringing up issues on the forum they're not just complaining about p2w but also now about ssip's cost ingame.
maybe they can expand the gain for them in the new treasure chest. Right now you can only get in the top 2 chests (splendid (10ssip) and sparkling(20ssip)), so add... 5 ssip in normal chests and 1 ssip in plain chests.
Another suggestion I made to possibly help the situation was...
One of the issues I encounter alot ingame is players frustrated that they can't get the extra storage expanders in the uwc shop. Binder/bag/vault/quarters/SE/decor/crest expanders should all be available in the regular UWC shop at all times! If a newer player can atleast modify their personal character, then they will most likely continue to play and even start paying into uwc more! Making these items always accessible also means that it's easy for non cash players to get those items at affordable rates
personally, i think that all the expansions should be available including even dock expansions, extra skills expansion, nickname tickets etc, I've also suggested the idea of a 'ship shop' where you could buy lower to mid range uwc ships directly. A problem that I noticed over the years was the lack of uwc light ships released into the game which made it pretty much impossible to grade any light ships to G7 or 8.... These are small fixes sure, but it would be a start (especially the ssip issue).
we should be able to upvote on answers, Steak deserves a medal ;)
i did make confusion about papaya and KOEI, and you explained it perfectly, thank you!
but... getting back to main topic, and title of this thread "what to change" i really think only solution is improving marketing drastically, giving more value to players, incentives for players to "play", and advertise it, because i mean without this, even if they have major, and unlikely enhancements in gameplay, it will change nothing?
Inflation was biggest reason why many players especially FTP decided to quit because many players want CTs nowadays ,so Papaya will probably have 2 options to fix problem that will kill UWO not too long before they will face crisis like OGP did.
Papaya will need to set up prices on each UWC items and make CTs untradeable so that players especially FTP will willing to buy UWC items.
Papaya will need to raise 999 billions or perhaps 1 trillion ducats along with cheques so that players can buy high end ships.
UWO does need to fix several areas since Koei added shitload of contents ,but they didn't change to keep up with crazy expansions since Age of Revolution.
UWO still has 50 inventory and around 25 in Binder/Captain Bags that hasn't changed since inception of UWO while Koei added immigrant tickets, Mysterious Boxes, and bunch of other items. Also, they added SOW, Book of Wisdom, Folklore, etc while we have lack of latest info since Japan wikia or even UWOdb couldn't keep up with expansions. At least, we can thank to some players who uploaded videos at Youtube or discord to show how to play or where to get.
I still want AI control program for my 2 toons that did work in many games such as Genshin Impact and VCO because it's freakin' hard to play all 3 during sea battle or dungeon.
There's an easy fix and the game would grow in popularity fast
They need to do something similar to Runescape and others
Monthly membership which includes every single thing in the game with a free content part letting players try it out and decide to continue by paying for a monthly membership
Currently all we see are more items and op ships being added to the shop with next to nothing new for non paying players, they have become greedy and its killing the game
The game hurts itself by letting people who don't spend see lots of cool ships, items etc with the only means of getting one being to spend real money.
If we all paid a monthly membership they would be getting a steady stream of money in their pockets and IMO a ton more than they are getting now
I played this when it first came out and in those days the game had a more level playing field but now if you don't pay you don't get to experience any new ships etc
This game should have 1000's of players but I'm afraid the paywall factor is bringing it down
P2P might be solution for dying UWO ,but Papaya will need to come up with few things to fix problems ie privileges (Runescape and Origin use that method) or methods. However, there are probably many unhappy campers who prefers F2P.
I think Origin will be there for long time because it's balance gameplay and has no OP ships/equipment. U may notice Origin has many negative reviews at Steam Community because they hate P2P or GACHA ,but it's excellent game for me.
As a returning player that was gone for a few years here is my opinion. This is an amazing game with near endless tasks and grinds, ways to make money in game to obtain the finest cash items available. It has PvP that is mainly pay to win but as previously mentioned some newby F2P person in no way should be able to compete with someone that spent money, years and max refined skills. Once again in my opinion the game is and will continue to lose players is due to the lack of interest by whomever is in charge. CrzyPsycoCh* made some very good actually simple points that any lemonade stand would be wise to use. Social media presence, advertising, having influencers sponsored to try it etc etc. All of that would help. The reason it is not being done is the flow chart that Calicad posted, the company does not care! They have volunteer CA using their powers to mute players that creates an environment of fear to the extreme that pretty much only their friends use world chat, since anyone that disagrees or says anything to the contrary of what the CA says , right or wrong, to be muted and then threatened. Not just me many many players. Newbies afraid to ask questions because they have witnessed this hostility and bullying in world chat by friends of CA and the CA themselves. I have seen new players maliciously misled by these veteran players for asking a "stupid question" that any newbie would have now that even the most simple tasks are not in "school" just grind out Sagres. Well they do not know where or how to get there and they get mocked for asking by the In crowd on world chat. After suffering the customary hazing the resident world chat CA may steer them in the right direction. Not exactly an environment that would keep someone interested in such a grind heavy game.
Once again I point to Calicad's flow chart. They DO NOT care! Ok, so you are max refined adventure skills how do you get exp to become max level? Either you repeat the same old Sagres Adventure final over and over....... or you wait for the grand event that the developers put so much thought and effort in and you dig the old tree for an hour a day, a few days a month. Now that's ADVENTURE!! Not exploring a Quest you have yet to complete or discovering the frogs or insects in the region. Something as simple as bonus quests that actually made you check every day to see which one was worth sailing across the world for and learning what that quest was about. Nope all your skills and time are worth less than some afk newbie digging a tree. The respect you must have being 95 battle? Nope again you just buy some AoS and group up in the black sea. You can be 95 Battle with ZERO battle skills, LOL the irony here is the best skill for battle exp is storage, which is actually a trade skill, so that your AoS does not take uses.
This company let unpaid volunteers with no stake in the game set the entire tone for the community. They run it with an iron hand and if you cross them, they have nobody to answer to since the GM or Papaya do not even look at your ticket to see what was actually "screenshotted" or however they document these disputes. In other games when a GM or CA type administrator shows up they are like celebrities here they are mocked in private chat and feared publicly. You would think that they would try and create fun events and make players want to like them. Instead they publicly chastise and bully people that do not kiss their posteriors. If you do bend to kiss their posteriors then they allow you certain freedoms since even they realize they need someone to be their friend, you can't have everyone hate you.
This may seem like a personal vent and I would be lying if part of that was not true but the truth to it is In My Opinion it is the problem of being treated like a child by a power hungry hall monitor sucking the fun out of tolerating the grind. Add to that a lack of advertising or caring about anything in game is what loses players. We actually love the stupid old game so much that we tolerate those things to enjoy this treasure.
I feel bad [CA]Roland.von.Zepelin does a roll the dice game at his standard area for his Bazaar where he gives his own stuff away and I have never seen him abuse his power to enforce some code nobody was breaking. Foul language should be frowned upon since this game is advertised as PG13 of course.
5 years is a long time. 5 years ago the game was in a very different state to the one it's in today. Even with the same luck and means as you, I don't think your experiences can ever be replicable in today's environment.
Yes 5 years is a very long time to have to build a character to a top level especially when you are doing it grinding in game monies to pay for your stuff. I'm not saying that it will take everyone that long but that's what it took me. Now i'm not online as many hours as some people that play this game. I work and go to school, so during the week I can only get a few hours in a evening, weekends are better but even then I do have a RL also and sometimes don't log on for long even then. This is one of the reasons it took me so long to finally get a top ship. But that was just a ship, it didn't take me that long to get my other stuff like gear. It was a slow gradual building process over that time to get everything i needed, because i had to do it ingame not though spending thousands of dollars on coves. Sure i've tried to get my stuff in cove but wasn't successful so i'd have to get stuff in game instead. I even say this in my first post to greek "I just recently finally got a top tier ship but it took 5 years of playing with less but still having fun in the game.
Greekmeta clearly wants to be part of that experience (even you said you've seen him doing piracy) but is obviously frustrated he can't afford to be on the same lvl as p2w players as he put it but has only been playing 2years (if he had as much top tier stuff like others then he wouldn't have made that statement). I can't control if other people spend hard in this game to get all the top stuff and not every person that plays this game with top stuff got it though p2w. Best I can offer greek was some advice, which I did in the very first post to him...
Many players here have been playing for a very long time to make their setups so people WILL be richer than you. You will only ruin your own experience in this game if you obsess over what others have over you. See other players as inspirations to build towards rather than 'why do they get that and i don't' attitude.
top items are a luxury not a necessity. If you work towards it you can be on the same level as them.
The VERY first statement I made in this thread about the game right in my first post!
This is not a game that gives 'quick rewards', you have to work for them or be satisfied with having less.
There's 2 ways of getting stuff playing this game... 1 in game doing a loooooonnnnnggg grind for ducets (convert to ct) or... 2 pay into uwc heavily playing cove. Greek even showed that he understood the difference and corrected his meaning in his second post. there is a combination of many things to reach a point. PVP is p2w, or let's say pay to progress faster.... if u pay u progress ahead like 6 months. Pay to progress doesn't entirely mean cove, it would also mean buying ct directly to have as instant funds in game to do something like buy an expensive ship of of chat.
I'm sorry your comp mates don't play anymore (or as much anymore) because of the messed up cash system but you can't blame me for being successful. I certainly don't like the in game market but have been forced to use it over the years do to lack of success trying out cove. I"m NOT the only one who's done that, CPC posted here with similar story about being non cash player and I provided a link to a previous thread that has all kinds of people that posted who weren't p2w and are constant players who have fun and are successful playing with less. Just because i'm the only player that posts regularly on the forums about it doesn't mean i'm speaking on behalf of any other player. I'm just relating my experience to let people know that it's not "impossible or just a dream" but you have to put the time in, how much time is up to you. There's more of us in the game than you give credit for.
I made 2 posts about this issue in my responses to Greetmeta. I'd advise you to actually read my posts (the sections are labeled) where I clearly state that i'm appalled at what's going on with ssip's, I openly state my feeling on this! So don't even think that i don't believe there's no problems with the game! But I also gave solutions to getting them as well as a proposal to papaya (even if it will never happen), either way I atleast made the effort! As for 'if they're important to me' or not, I already showed that i don't use alot of ships My first maritime ship MR (modified real) I used competitively for the first 3years of Maris until I got my RNG (royal neapolitan galleass) which I used for the next 2years of the server until now
so really i only needed ssip's for 2 ships over the past 5 years (not incl light/med ship for esf). Back then ssip's only averaged 25m so they were affordable in game and my need was low for them. Recently (past 6months) i got a second light ship for esf and the pasr so i needed ssips for them which i got a combination of ways. some i got from treasure chest, some i had sitting around for a couple years and others i bought in game (50m) but i minimized this by trying to suppliment them other ways. My erg for light i had some uwc and was able to top off directly from uwc shop for what i needed but the pasr i had to get in game ssips from chat. My need might be low but I still don't agree with the current state of pricing on them.
You talk about F2P players and cash players and non-cash players (whatever "cash player" means to you), while continually downplaying the value of the not 1 but 2 brave pendants
I've never downplayed the value on the BP at all, quite the opposite actually. The fact that it's a powerful item is the whole reason why i mentioned it! It's one of the top tier items in the group, and it's important for the context of the thread to know this is a factor which is why i stated it right at the start, this is part of being an open and honest person, I have noting to hide. If i wanted to 'downplay' the value of it then i wouldn't have even mention it in the first place!
I just really genuinely don't feel it's a satisfactory thing to use your gameplay which is clearly quite far from an F2P player's as an example.
if this was you original 'agenda' then you could've just stated that instead of trolling the forum trying to make me out as some liar. If you don't think i'm a f2p player then you are entitled to your opinion, but just because that's your view doesn't make it true. I'm the only one that knows what i earned vs what i paid for in this game over the past 5 years of Maris. If you don't believe me then so be it, that's your issue and yours alone.
"Yes 5 years is a very long time to have to build a character to a top level especially when you are doing it grinding in game monies to pay for your stuff. I'm not saying that it will take everyone that long but that's what it took me. Now i'm not online as many hours as some people that play this game. I work and go to school, so during the week I can only get a few hours in a evening, weekends are better but even then I do have a RL also and sometimes don't log on for long even then. This is one of the reasons it took me so long to finally get a top ship. But that was just a ship, it didn't take me that long to get my other stuff like gear. It was a slow gradual building process over that time to get everything i needed, because i had to do it ingame not though spending thousands of dollars on coves. Sure i've tried to get my stuff in cove but wasn't successful so i'd have to get stuff in game instead. I even say this in my first post to greek "I just recently finally got a top tier ship but it took 5 years of playing with less but still having fun in the game." (direct quote)
No. No. No.
You totally misunderstood what I was saying by that, read what I said again.
It's very specifically not about how long it took you. It's about the variables beyond you.
I was talking about how in the 5 years since Maris has launched, the game and the server has enormously changed.
SSIPs were something like 5m each at launch, now 50m or more, and you know as well as I do they've been even higher than that at points.
Everything was really quite cheap at launch.
Everyone knows the stories of how CT were once upon a time only 300m each and whatnot and now they're anywhere from 1b to 1.5b to 2b each.
This is common knowledge.
That is the point I was making:
The server has changed. The game has changed.
And it's not just launch prices vs. now, far from it.
There's far more to it than that.
As an example, when Sea of Wonders was first released, Strange Cannons sold for a lot because it was new and everyone wanted hyper cannons since they were the new best, and the strange cannons themselves were quite a rare drop compared with now since the chests used to sometimes drop nothing, now they always drop something at least. So that is now gone. When Frozen Leviathan was first released some of the armour pieces sold for over 100 CT. That will never happen again.
On the JP server when rare trade goods were first released they were quite overpowered such that they're one of the very few things KOEI has ever bothered to balance over the years (in this case they got nerfed almost immediately. Also KOEI not balancing anything is another one of the biggest problems with the game but that's another topic). We received them in their already-nerfed state, but the people on JP server who utilised their pre-nerf state had an influx that is no longer replicable.
The list goes on.
These are very specific stages in the game's development that are not replicable. Meaning they cannot happen again.
Now, sure, there may be other such stages that pop up over time, but they vary greatly in reward and all by nature will be limited in how much reward they can provide, for how long and for how many people can even utilise them before they're expired or the opportunities in question disappear (e.g. once all the people willing to pay absurd prices just to be the first to have something get what they want, then the opportunity is gone).
This very often has nothing to do with players or their unwillingness to make use of these things, almost exclusively it's just not being as lucky or not being in the right place at the right time like some were. That's fine (to a point), as you say, some people will end up better off than others merely by circumstance.
This point and the discussion is around potential newcomers to the scene who haven't yet had these opportunities, and might NEVER have them because they might just not be lucky enough, particularly when many such opportunities can also just be grabbed by people who are already very well off and have the means and time to do it (see: pretty much every event besides bingo if you can even call that an event, particularly the semi-recent lvl 95 event and the drama surrounding that with some people taking multiple reward spots).
I'll return to my original point. The game is not in the same state it was 5 years ago, and a lot has changed over those years and a lot of things have come and gone. Your experiences therefore may not (and very likely ARE not) replicable just by someone spending the same time even with the same playstyle and whatever extrinsic factors like if they spent exactly as much money as you or perhaps even more.
"As for 'if they're important to me' or not" (direct quote)
Whether SSIPs are important to you or not was totally irrelevant, that was the whole point of saying that.
I'll repeat that for clarity: The irrelevance of the importance or value of SSIPs or other random not-what-you-call "top tier" to you or lack thereof was the point I was making with that. They are relevant in so far as they existed.
"Greekmeta clearly wants to be part of that experience (even you said you've seen him doing piracy)" (direct quote)
Are you talking to me here? I wasn't the one who said that, I think you got my post confused with cali's.
"This is one of the reasons it took me so long to finally get a top ship. But that was just a ship, it didn't take me that long to get my other stuff like gear." (direct quote)
Your gear, to my knowledge is quite expensive. The "top ship" (direct quote) you're referring to is PASR right? (Based on mentions of it in this post, apologies if I'm misunderstanding)
There's a PASR for sale 130 CT atm.
I think saying "it took me so long to finally get a top ship" (direct quote) is a little disingenuous when the "top ship" (direct quote) in question costs significantly less than the sum of the gear you say it didn't take as long to get (meaning you could have just as easily gotten the ship a long time ago). It could also be argued that your RNG was top tier, particularly when it came out, but it's whatever.
Even at its peak pricing (PASR peaked at 400ish I believe?) it's less than the sum of your gear to my knowledge.
It's also worth noting that although it may be considered a "top ship" (direct quote) now, I'm not sure for how long that will be the case given the PALA has increased the maximum durability and crew and thus raised the definition of "top tier" (direct quote), and the release of newer, more powerful/stupid cannons. So again it goes back to what I said in one of my previous posts about how the disparity and distance between low/mid and high/top tier ships will just continue increasing.
"If you don't think i'm a f2p player then you are entitled to your opinion, but just because that's your view doesn't make it true." (direct quote)
There's a quote from The Princess Bride I think is relevant here:
"You keep using that word. I do not think it means what you think it means..."
F2P stands for "Free To Play", correct? Free as in free beer, not free as in freedom.
I don't know a single person (besides you) that would say that spending-money is factually equivalent to not-spending-money.
It goes far beyond a mere "opinion" (direct quote), I can say with FACT that if money is spent then what was obtained cannot be considered to have been obtained free of charge.
You seem to use it as a contrast to "P2W" or "cash player", again, correct?
In my (and others' I know) opinion, this is incorrect usage of the term.
"Free to play" means not-spending-money fullstop.
Your usage of "P2W"/"Pay to Win" is reasonable though I know some disagree and consider ANY money spent to be P2W.
To me at least: pay to win means spending money for the purposes of "winning", which usually implies spending a large amount of money, whatever is required to "win".
A "cash player" on the other hand, would be anyone who is not "free to play", but DOES NOT in and of itself also mean "pay to win". Whereas you seem to use the term as being identical in meaning to P2W, which I do not believe it is.
You can spend money without paying to win. This seems to be in line with what you say you do. That would make you a "cash player" but not "pay to win", and by definition would make you not free to play.
Also you've brought up CPC several times saying I should read their posts. To my knowledge they quit years ago, so I don't know that their thoughts on the current state of the game years later are of much help, so I'm not really interested. But that's just me.
"I clearly state that i'm appalled at what's going on with ssip's" (direct quote)
Good, everyone should be, the situation is appalling and I hope KOEIPaya are ashamed of themselves. I never said you weren't appalled at it and there was no implication of that and it certainly was not the reason I mentioned SSIPs.
"I'd advise you to actually read my posts" (direct quote)
Given there's been some misinterpretations (and pretty big ones like the 5 years thing) and a misunderstanding regarding who said what about Greekmeta, I would also "advise you to actually read my posts" (direct quote) and cali's post since they were the one who talked about Greekmeta. If you have already actually read them, then perhaps reading them again might clear up any remaining confusion I haven't dealt with in this post.
I hope you also read my response to Falcon so that you have a fuller understanding of where I'm coming from with my views on the game and its future.
(even you said you've seen him doing piracy)
I was talking to you here but this part of the statement was a mistake. I normally log off around midnight for bed and it was already after that when i was making the post so I was tied at the time. This is why part of cali's post spilled over here since both of you made posts.
If you don't think i'm a f2p player then you are entitled to your opinion, but just because that's your view doesn't make it true.
This was also misworded. By this point it was now 1am and I just wanted to close the post to get to sleep I was so tied lol. It was suppose to say (and makes more sense) If you think i'm a p2w player then you are entitled to your opinion, but just because that's your view doesn't make it true.
p2w vs f2p
p2w is an odd term since there's really nothing to 'win' in this game, there's no end and new stuff is continually added. But it seems to have settled as a term to refer to players that invest large amounts of monies in the game to make sure they have all the top stuff right away (they pay for it as opposed to working for it).
f2p This game is set up as a "free to play" game which is true however... The problem with this is that until recently (with the addition of treasure chests) you couldn't mod your ships at all since ssip's weren't available in game, only as a 'cash item'. This is why many new players tend to leave early in their play ( they can't mod ships without using cash items ssip's), and since ssip's have been so over priced in game the last couple years it leaves them few options. As you said Free to play" means not-spending-money fullstop.
There's are the 2 extremes in the game but it leaves quite a large 'grey area' in between. Some people don't need much maybe just some ssip's for a ship, or just for storage etc..., while others could spend more like pop up shop, occasional cove, even buying ct directly to top off their ingame cash to buy something off chat when an opportunity comes up.
p2p 'pay to progress' seems like the best way to describe everything in-between but this would really cover most people in game. At some point in a players time here they will need or want something from the cash shop. I'll even use myself as an example. when Maris first started everyone had to start over. Some people have the advantage to spend more time online than others so will progress faster. By the end of gama i was into pvp but had to start all over on Maris. Now because my time was limited going to school full time at that point I had to dump abunch of cash into the game to 'progress' faster to be able to stay at a competitive lvl with those players that could spend more time and/or money. So back then I guess i would be considered a 'p2w' player. But all that gear and ships from back then are now pretty much worthless and 'low tier' by today's standards. In 2020 the pandemic hit and all work stopped, it was also the year that papaya started releasing the big power ships and gear like superior brave set. In order to get any of it I had to work for it in game to make money to afford it since I was out of work then due to global events. So now all the ships and gear I use (except BP) was made by doing a slow grind in game to get it. Eventhough I've spent money in the game over the years I still had to earn my gear without direct money investment. So I guess you could call me a 'cash' player or not it's subjective to if an individual view. Your usage of "P2W"/"Pay to Win" is reasonable though I know some disagree and consider ANY money spent to be P2W. Then wouldn't this be everyone then since if you spend money to buy ssip's to mod ship then you are 'spending' money? Again these terms are subjective. I think this is why i included the statement...
You will only ruin your own experience in this game if you obsess over what other have over you.
The game has changed over the past 5 years you are right but the game has to change in order to evolve and keep it interesting. The PASR is a good example. It was averagely selling for 200ct last fall. I wanted the PROG but 450ct was beyond my budget so i went for the more affordable. I gave some advice to greek about shopping on chat...But prices change constantly to the point where i've seen ships selling at 200ct one week then 130 the following week lol. Sometimes you'll have to pay an inflated price but that really comes down to 'how badly do you want that?' Ironically I was talking about myself. I bought the PASR for 200 ct because I wanted it to use for the upcoming ESF that month but within a week the price dropped to 130ct, so I lost 70ct because 'I didn't want to wait' lol. But i knew this would eventually happen (just not the next week).
As for CPC, I mention her because she posted here with her experience. Although she doesn't play anymore her experience is relevant here since there's was a cash system back then just like there is here now. When I first joined Gama, i was one of those new players that thought i'd never be able to afford high end gear but i was wrong. First i discovered that I could play on a competitive lvl without all the top stuff, then over time I found that I could get to that top lvl if i worked for it.
The game state sucks yes, and of course it would be much better with a higher player base but that's not the case. We have to play with what we have or move on to another game if we don't like it here anymore that's really the only reality all of us have to accept. I just love this game in general with or without problems and will continue to play for as long as I can. If i can help someone along the way with my knowledge then I will. If my advice works for them then I've contributed to the game by making someone's game experience better even if it's not for everyone. Everyone's game is 'their' game and will be different from everyone else's...
As cali mentioned, this post's title is: "The game is dying // Post your own ideas on what to change and save it! Make Papaya listen us" (direct quote)
My complaints are not merely complaints for the sake of complaining, they go to the purpose of the post which is to point out flaws in the game that KOEIPaya could potentially fix but currently don't seem interested in doing.
The game does have to change and evolve, but my point is just that being able to get all the stuff you have should not be considered to be replicable and it's something that needs fixing. People should be able to achieve their dreams if they work for it and spend enough time.
That's the whole point of playing a game like this I think, fulfilling those fantasies or dreams, even if it takes time.
But in its current state it just can't be *reasonably* done and that is a problem.
"But in its current state it just can't be reasonably done and that is a problem."
Correct. It is not and the game's sad little population reflects that issue. Koei has failed to maintain the game beyond a bunch of repetitive garbage most gamers could care less about. As Cali stated, neither PP or Koei cares. It is interesting to see someone with experience on the Japan server also point out the lack of care Koei has drifted into. If the only updates to look forward to are Legacies and Ganadors, then there is little use in continuing to play for me, too. Like Cali, I am here for the Company and to try and help where i can, but the gameplay itself for me is stale and not fun. i went back to SW for a bit, but without an updated SW database, it is nothing but a repetitive mess. The original poster, like many before, has a belief that with the right suggestions, changes will be made. Not gonna happen. We must each either find the fun for our play style or walk away like hundreds of others.
"But in its current state it just can't be reasonably done and that is a problem."
I've agreed with this as well but I believe that one of the root problems deals with the ssip issue especially with what the resellers have done to ruin the game making the standard for them such a high cost. I made a point about this in my opening post.
Papaya can solved the problem of population and kill these resellers by making ssip's available INGAME. On the Japanese server you can get them in game various ways (so i'm told) but that server is subscription base. The best way is to have them gotten at the palace secretary (like OSP) where you could buy them for like 10-20m each or have them crafted like OSP's. After all, THIS IS A SAILING GAME so make it easier for players to enjoy that aspect both cash and non cash players!
This one idea alone won't fix every problem, i know but I've noticed that more lately when people are bringing up issues on the forum they're not just complaining about p2w but also now about ssip's cost ingame.
maybe they can expand the gain for them in the new treasure chest. Right now you can only get in the top 2 chests (splendid (10ssip) and sparkling(20ssip)), so add... 5 ssip in normal chests and 1 ssip in plain chests.
Another suggestion I made to possibly help the situation was...
One of the issues I encounter alot ingame is players frustrated that they can't get the extra storage expanders in the uwc shop. Binder/bag/vault/quarters/SE/decor/crest expanders should all be available in the regular UWC shop at all times! If a newer player can atleast modify their personal character, then they will most likely continue to play and even start paying into uwc more! Making these items always accessible also means that it's easy for non cash players to get those items at affordable rates
personally, i think that all the expansions should be available including even dock expansions, extra skills expansion, nickname tickets etc, I've also suggested the idea of a 'ship shop' where you could buy lower to mid range uwc ships directly. A problem that I noticed over the years was the lack of uwc light ships released into the game which made it pretty much impossible to grade any light ships to G7 or 8.... These are small fixes sure, but it would be a start (especially the ssip issue).
we should be able to upvote on answers, Steak deserves a medal ;)
i did make confusion about papaya and KOEI, and you explained it perfectly, thank you!
but... getting back to main topic, and title of this thread "what to change" i really think only solution is improving marketing drastically, giving more value to players, incentives for players to "play", and advertise it, because i mean without this, even if they have major, and unlikely enhancements in gameplay, it will change nothing?
Inflation was biggest reason why many players especially FTP decided to quit because many players want CTs nowadays ,so Papaya will probably have 2 options to fix problem that will kill UWO not too long before they will face crisis like OGP did.
UWO does need to fix several areas since Koei added shitload of contents ,but they didn't change to keep up with crazy expansions since Age of Revolution.
UWO still has 50 inventory and around 25 in Binder/Captain Bags that hasn't changed since inception of UWO while Koei added immigrant tickets, Mysterious Boxes, and bunch of other items. Also, they added SOW, Book of Wisdom, Folklore, etc while we have lack of latest info since Japan wikia or even UWOdb couldn't keep up with expansions. At least, we can thank to some players who uploaded videos at Youtube or discord to show how to play or where to get.
I still want AI control program for my 2 toons that did work in many games such as Genshin Impact and VCO because it's freakin' hard to play all 3 during sea battle or dungeon.
There's an easy fix and the game would grow in popularity fast
They need to do something similar to Runescape and others
Monthly membership which includes every single thing in the game with a free content part letting players try it out and decide to continue by paying for a monthly membership
Currently all we see are more items and op ships being added to the shop with next to nothing new for non paying players, they have become greedy and its killing the game
The game hurts itself by letting people who don't spend see lots of cool ships, items etc with the only means of getting one being to spend real money.
If we all paid a monthly membership they would be getting a steady stream of money in their pockets and IMO a ton more than they are getting now
I played this when it first came out and in those days the game had a more level playing field but now if you don't pay you don't get to experience any new ships etc
This game should have 1000's of players but I'm afraid the paywall factor is bringing it down
P2P might be solution for dying UWO ,but Papaya will need to come up with few things to fix problems ie privileges (Runescape and Origin use that method) or methods. However, there are probably many unhappy campers who prefers F2P.
I think Origin will be there for long time because it's balance gameplay and has no OP ships/equipment. U may notice Origin has many negative reviews at Steam Community because they hate P2P or GACHA ,but it's excellent game for me.
As a returning player that was gone for a few years here is my opinion. This is an amazing game with near endless tasks and grinds, ways to make money in game to obtain the finest cash items available. It has PvP that is mainly pay to win but as previously mentioned some newby F2P person in no way should be able to compete with someone that spent money, years and max refined skills. Once again in my opinion the game is and will continue to lose players is due to the lack of interest by whomever is in charge. CrzyPsycoCh* made some very good actually simple points that any lemonade stand would be wise to use. Social media presence, advertising, having influencers sponsored to try it etc etc. All of that would help. The reason it is not being done is the flow chart that Calicad posted, the company does not care! They have volunteer CA using their powers to mute players that creates an environment of fear to the extreme that pretty much only their friends use world chat, since anyone that disagrees or says anything to the contrary of what the CA says , right or wrong, to be muted and then threatened. Not just me many many players. Newbies afraid to ask questions because they have witnessed this hostility and bullying in world chat by friends of CA and the CA themselves. I have seen new players maliciously misled by these veteran players for asking a "stupid question" that any newbie would have now that even the most simple tasks are not in "school" just grind out Sagres. Well they do not know where or how to get there and they get mocked for asking by the In crowd on world chat. After suffering the customary hazing the resident world chat CA may steer them in the right direction. Not exactly an environment that would keep someone interested in such a grind heavy game.
Once again I point to Calicad's flow chart. They DO NOT care! Ok, so you are max refined adventure skills how do you get exp to become max level? Either you repeat the same old Sagres Adventure final over and over....... or you wait for the grand event that the developers put so much thought and effort in and you dig the old tree for an hour a day, a few days a month. Now that's ADVENTURE!! Not exploring a Quest you have yet to complete or discovering the frogs or insects in the region. Something as simple as bonus quests that actually made you check every day to see which one was worth sailing across the world for and learning what that quest was about. Nope all your skills and time are worth less than some afk newbie digging a tree. The respect you must have being 95 battle? Nope again you just buy some AoS and group up in the black sea. You can be 95 Battle with ZERO battle skills, LOL the irony here is the best skill for battle exp is storage, which is actually a trade skill, so that your AoS does not take uses.
This company let unpaid volunteers with no stake in the game set the entire tone for the community. They run it with an iron hand and if you cross them, they have nobody to answer to since the GM or Papaya do not even look at your ticket to see what was actually "screenshotted" or however they document these disputes. In other games when a GM or CA type administrator shows up they are like celebrities here they are mocked in private chat and feared publicly. You would think that they would try and create fun events and make players want to like them. Instead they publicly chastise and bully people that do not kiss their posteriors. If you do bend to kiss their posteriors then they allow you certain freedoms since even they realize they need someone to be their friend, you can't have everyone hate you.
This may seem like a personal vent and I would be lying if part of that was not true but the truth to it is In My Opinion it is the problem of being treated like a child by a power hungry hall monitor sucking the fun out of tolerating the grind. Add to that a lack of advertising or caring about anything in game is what loses players. We actually love the stupid old game so much that we tolerate those things to enjoy this treasure.
I feel bad [CA]Roland.von.Zepelin does a roll the dice game at his standard area for his Bazaar where he gives his own stuff away and I have never seen him abuse his power to enforce some code nobody was breaking. Foul language should be frowned upon since this game is advertised as PG13 of course.
Let it die and move on. Stop enabling predatory gaming companies.
Stop bumping old threads with pointless statements.