[BS-GLB EVENT] Operation Sunshine Retreat: You Talk, We Listen

edited May 2023 in Events
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Hello Mercs,

Look alive, mercs! Operation Sunshine Retreat has begun. That means its time to kick-back, relax and take a much needed break before you begin the next wave of battle.




- 6 Apr - 3 May 2023



- Submit your feedback on this forum post anytime during the event period. 

- All constructive feedback will be taken into consideration, and you’ll be rewarded. Excellent feedback received will be specially rewarded.


- Top Feedback: HK416 Crush+ & Barret Crush+ 7 days

- Participation: HK416 Crush+ 3 days

Team BlackShot


  • all updates are good and well developped thank u for that but it missed all time the changes in compet rewards this is not a problem but my desire for this game is to grow up the community and getting full servers with players like old days when we connot join any server cuz it full u have to grow the community by making new GMS that have to work for giving a good image for this game by making tournaments getting closer to players and making the game more fun than ever so please try to grow the bs community in different ways . my love for this game <3

    ign : SyntaXerror404

  • STOP DOING THIS "EVENT" IF U DONT LISTEN. All these people talking good about this game play for maybe 2 years and dont know what the game was like before. This game is ready for the slaughterhouse. Did u see how dead cw was? Give it 2 more months and no one plays the game anymore. U really need to change the game back to the old bs asap

  • I've been enjoying the latest updates. this time I think they finally made the monthly missions possible to complete them all hahaha. It's an extra stimulus.

  • Acredito que o Blackshot hoje está em outro nível, mas poderiam explorar mais o publico brasileiro. Por si só o publico brasileiro é um fator forte no FPS. Através de propaganda, seja por google adwords, campanhas no facebook ou qualquer tipo de marketing poderiam trazer mais jogadores no servidor brasileiro. O Blackshot é, em minha opinião, o fps com melhor jogabilidade e flexibilidade, garanto que o publico brasileiro colocaria o Blackshot no patamar que era em tempos mais antigos.

  • OPERATION - SUNSHINE RETREAT, came with many new features and improvements, the most different and funniest backpack ever, the equally innovative and fun mask and both with excellent attributes and why not complement all this? We can see that the development team thought well about this by bringing the new suits, which hilarious and deadly, with included skills that are very useful on the battlefield.

    We had the return of hig mode, which is very cool, fun and innovative until the present day and with good weekly and monthly missions.

    The new callsign also came to celebrate the new suits and accessories that were released to make everything even more harmonious on the battlefield, the new events implemented are pretty cool too,

    As SUGGESTION could have been a spring boost of 400% exp % gold, we would love it xd :

    IGN : GjaLLaRHorN_ 

  • Make the map lost depot TDM with more players maybe 14v14

  • Bom, mais uma vez achei muito bom essa atualização principalmente pelo evento de ganhar gemas, isso está incentivando muito os jogadores jogarem mais e mais, gostei da nova sala dinâmica muito boa e muito divertida jogar ela.

  • you should calibrate master weapons they don't make sense anymore they are worse than gem weapons so no one ranks up they create countless accounts to hack and there is no incentive to rank up like old blackshot and to compete you should rank up there are players that they only come from farming and do not contribute anything I have told you many times I hope they take this into account and I can continue to live this game that I love very much


  • Get back the old mp5


  • bom, atualizaçao otima, gostei do novo mapa muito divertido de jogar, gostei tambem das missoes de ganhar gema, e tambem dos eventos de ganha arma.

  • Boa att, precisamos melhorar a publicidade do game e principalmente ajudar os novatos a permanecer no game , e ajudar nós do serve brasileiro estamos quase acabando por falta de players, precisa ajudar o br.

  • foi uma boa atualizaçao do jogo, o novo modo e otimo para jogar, foi uma boa ideia de colocar missoes pra ganhar gema isso vai encentiva mais os jogadores a jogar.

  • Olá, gostaria de parabenizar vocês pelo excelente trabalho feito até então, muitos mapas de xp e muitos prêmios dados e isso tem movimentado muito os players os fazendo jogar. Porem acredito que vocês poderiam ir mais além e explorar os players no sentido de estimula-los a jogar.

    Mudar as recompensas do modo competitivo seria bom pois sempre armas nx1 está chato.

    Cria um evento de 3o dias no server clã onde o Top 10 ganhariam prêmios e o campeão um grande premio, isso traria uma rivalidade entre os clãs, faria os clãs recrutarem membros, comprarem vagas e até mesmo criar novos clãs e gastar com emblemas. Faria voltar a antiga e boa rivalidade entre clãs.

    Antes o jogo tinha poucos packages de armas comparado ao tanto que tem hoje e acredito que são desnecessários todos aqueles packages. Grande maioria dos players jogam por já serem players antigos e seria bom reviver coisas que tinha no jogo antes e uma delas seria adicionar novamente o package Dragon, AK-47 Dragon era muito boa .

    Seria interessante vocês voltassem com o ranking no site do jogo, hoje em dia o player que vira comand in chef perde a vontade de jogar pois não tem mais o que se fazer dentro do jogo, e antes mesmo sendo comand in chef tinha a brigar por subir no ranking e isso é o essencial para o players saber que todo seu tempo investido dentro do game foi reconhecido de alguma forma.

    Essa são poucas de muitas dicas que posso apresentar com meu conhecimento dentro do jogo, estou jogando desde 2009 " garena " ja fui GameMaster e conheço caminhos para atrair novos e antigos players. Desde já agradeço e espero que vocês entendam que são criticas construtivas.

    IGN: n3ColdLyxX

  • edited April 2023


    1. eventhough a leader gives all permissions assistants cannot add people, when leader is offline it is so boring to add people (open clan for everyone, invite him, close clan for everyone.)
    2. During competitive season, no one plays clan war. Reducing competitive season a few days and bring a events or missions to play clan war can make clan war alive!!!!!!!! We really need that!!!!!
    3. Bring game-pass, everygame has that. I do not know why you did not bring still. You can earn more money like that and people can earn items more.
    4. Like all patches you are bringing 2 new premium weapon. You need to bring more BP guns.
    6. In game censor is really bad, at least remove it!!! if i want to type the word "again" it is exposed to cencor!!!!!!.
    7. Automatic Kick System for SD mode. there are lots of afks in sd bonus maps.
    8. Bonus was 200%, and now 100%. It is so annoying why did you do that???
    9. game is so expensive.
    10. There are lots of player who use macro and it makes their aim much better. It has to be stopped.
    11. Need more GMs in the morning and afternoon.



  • edited April 2023


  • they have to raise the rank in competitive play, hackers are banned and the next day they are already playing again, another thing is that you have up to 3 or 4 bots that come spamming in the game unfortunately the game is 5, the rooms have always been 8 that is competing why not increase the number of players? and eliminate the other hack with him play 1x1 all against all and let's see how it goes! it would be great like in World 8x8

  • Patovars

  • the rooms have always been 8 that is competing why not increase the number of players? and eliminate the other hack with him play 1x1 all against all and let's see how it goes!

    Antes o jogo tinha poucos packages de armas comparado ao tanto que tem hoje e acredito que são desnecessários todos aqueles packages. Grande maioria dos players jogam por já serem players antigos e seria bom reviver coisas que tinha no jogo antes e uma delas seria adicionar novamente o package Dragon, AK-47 Dragon era muito boa .

    IGN : logical_

  • Hello GM's

    All the update is good as compared to old days nowadays all the players are getting good rewards.. like weapons specially.. that's too good its been more interesting to use new weapons for those who can't afford to buy gems in game..

    But still there are some problems that need to be resolved as soon as it possible.

    Player are using macro and they are able to kill enemy with esse gaming is all about skills please try to block macro users..

    What if you all Blackshot team merge SEA and GLB and make it only BLACKSHOT it will be a much more BIGGER GAME LIKE CALL OF DUTY PUBG more players MORE FUN .


    IGN - xLorD_

  • edited May 2023

    I really enjoy this game; it's been over a decade since I've been playing this game now. Recently I'm facing this issue I don't know about others but sometimes when I jump even from a very low height I lose health, happened in the lost temple map where from spawn we go up and we have to jump through a wall to go to the other side. I hope you will fix it soon.

    IGN: Madness42069

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    Hello Mercs,

    First of all we would like to thank all players that participated and shared their feedback on the update. With this being said, the rewards will be sent to your loadouts soon.

    Don't forget to also participate on the new event here: [BS-GLB EVENT] Operation Covert Strike : You Talk, We Listen

    Team BlackShot

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