Wining and dining increasing sailors' loyalty pls?


  1. Makes sense. Sailors would probably be more loyal to the captain who throws parties 'till they be disordered
  2. Makes the wining and dining skill not entirely useless
  3. It's not OP since it requires a skill slot + cargo space to be used.
  4. It makes for a fun roleplay element. Plunder an enemy ship's alcohol reserve and then throw a party afterward. Or reward your sailors after a long survival mode spice run. Or just be a carefree adventurer who lives for discovering the world as well as its worldly pleasures.

Could work something like 1 skill use = 0.5 loyalty gained. Or just enough to counteract the loss of loyalty during a no food nor water, survival based trip.

It pains me seeing useless skills in this game and while I realize some skills are meant to be the way they are for balancing purposes, this wining and dining buff doesn't seem game-breaking to me at least otherwise I wouldn't have proposed it.

I assume the most difficult part of this change would be getting it approved rather than the change itself but I'll just stay hopefull :D


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