[BS-GLB EVENT] Operation Pixel Mayhem You Talk, We Listen

edited July 2024 in Events

Hello Mercs,

Intrigued by what this new era of pixelated warfare has to offer? So are we! Share your thoughts with us and help us develop the next era of combat!  

Update Info::


Event Mechanics:

- From 30/05/24 to 26/06/24, submit your feedback of the last update features on this forum post alongside your IGN (in-game name).

- All constructive feedback will be taken into consideration, and you’ll be rewarded. Excellent feedback received will be specially rewarded.

Event Rewards:

- Top Feedback: AK47 SRM Bravery+ 7D & Cheytac Bravery+ 7D

- Participation: AK47 SRM Bravery+ 3D

Team BlackShot


  • A suggestion to improve on the headshot pointer as some players just simply shoot but can headshot. A confusion between real skill or just a bug or maybe hack. Alot of hacker in the game every once inawhile

    username is Mantera_Z

  • edited May 2024

    Can make some premium items by combining some materials as a event

  • username KronikKush23

    i think clan wars should be more rewarding for people to go back to it, i also think you should update maps or implement new ones and get rid of some that no one uses or plays less of, i love this game and just want to ensure the future of black shot.

    clans should be rewarded but also limitations :)

    thank you for your hard work and dedication against hackers too :)

  • Nome_SinhoZinho_Koba

    Eu acho que vcs deviam tirar armas do shop e colocar outras, aquelas nimguem joga mais, aw só se ganha pra joga, deviam mudar pra ver se alguém compra, e ficaria legal criar uma scar BLACKSHOT, tipo ela preta com desenhos de bala ia fica top demais disputada e é isso até mais

  • SCAR.........BLACK.........COM........ BALAS DOURADAS .......DOS...... LADO 🌚🌞

  • Name : JigSaWS2

    I think it would be very good to put more rewards in the Weapon Rank, as there is only NX1, and that only when it reaches the maximum level and ends up getting discouraged, it would be very good to put more rewards in the Weapon Rank, Putting Ak47 Gold, it would increase the desire to play and achieve more things in the game, as the game has few good weapons, which you can buy with in-game currency. Adding more weapons to the weapon rank would be very good and would make the game more balanced and with more purpose and interest to play.

  • There should be more balance in the competitive matches


  • My suggestion, go back to some old items, we like something new, but the essence of the game needs to be maintained. GM needs to open a competitive line to call players, and also open server clan, this will help identify hackers, and will also cheer up.. IGN bel_botadinha

  • Hello everyone 👋

    This new update is fantastic we can level up assp. Weapons r food enough to low damage. Gm need to update some of the rifle weapons day by day this game is being awesome and plz in sniper match remove that meelle so that we can concentrate on sniper we can play update it so far it's good update have a nice day

  • Battle pass update was great!

    Here are some other things I would love to see being adjusted:

    -Map pool in competitive changing in the middle of the season, or having 5SD and 5TFM maps every season.

    -It's been long since we have seen a new package... maybe in the next update?

    -Rewards for successfully reporting hackers with clear evidence

    -Introducing a new gear that decreases fall of damage or increases accuracy of rifles. (difference between 3/4star weapons and 5star weapons accuracy wise is too big in my opinion)

    Kind regards,

    IGN: In2U

  • Hi There,

    I feel like we all miss some of the old features of the game

    -the weapon rankings could be more encouraging to acciually want to level them.

    -the glitch in crack down on the B bomb site could be fixed so they can't get in the controller panel on side.

    -maybe promoting the game a little more to get some more old players back in to the game as players seem to decrease.

    -i know this will more likely to be unpossible, but making the gab between a BP and a Gem gun a little more balanced. like forseeing a Rifle that is able to atleast give a one tap as before it was even possible to do with the normal ak or scar

    -more maps in the competitive map pools would be fun and a little less repeating

    -i do like the way it's more fair in form of earning better guns in the weekly missions and daily login in feature!

    Have a great day,

    IGN: Flexxit_

  • Hello Mercs,

    Thanks all players that participated and shared their feedback on the update. The rewards will be sent to your loadouts soon.

    Don't forget to also participate on the new event here: [BS-GLB EVENT] Operation Minah Bay Sands You Talk, We Listen

    Team BlackShot

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