[BS-GLB EVENT] Operation Minah Bay Sands You Talk, We Listen

Hello Mercs,

The Marina Bay Sands are stunning aren’t they? Tell us what else you are yearning to see and we’ll do our best to make it happen!

Update Info:


Event Mechanics:

From 27/06/24 to 24/07/24, submit your feedback of the latest Operation Minah Bay Sands update on this forum topic.

All constructive feedback will be taken into consideration, and you’ll be rewarded. Excellent feedback received will be specially rewarded.

Event Rewards:

Top Feedback: M4A1 Blocks+ 7D & NX1 Blocks+ 7D

Participation: M4A1 Blocks+ 3D

Team BlackShot


  • Can add back normal 3star rifle - F2000 ivory?Long time never saw inside the coin gachabox,is it possible appear on next gachabox update?

  • Deviam adicionar Um kit IAK Tipo várias ak47 com preço variado mais antiga mais cara mais recente mais barato ,tipo uma ak47 aranha q é antiga vale 2k gema 60 dias ou menos e um kit vestido tipo do deep polll homem com toca e 2 espadas atrás das costas grande pistola na perna e um rifle SCAR BLACK Com desenho de uma cobra dourado no cano como mira o chifre dela é isso queria ver coisas diferentes esse meu palpite. NOME Sinho_Zinho_KOBA

  • New update is very promising, specially bringing back some rare packages like AWP Ghost etc got everyone really excited.

    I would like to give feedback regarding competitive. Most of the comp ranks are unused, I ve barely seen anyone above diamond rank for a long time.

    The points difference between silver, gold and platinum should be reduced so that other ranks could be achieved easily. That will also make the matchmaking balanced since now there are just gold and platinums spinning, so matchmaking window do not get different varieties of ranks.

    Also bring back 5 players competitive since now competitive has become pretty much mature and by making matchmaking balanced it would be fun to have 5 team squad in competitive since we all want to play with our friends and they are more than 1 person pretty much for everyone ✌🏻

    IGN : xHypnos__

  • Could you guys do something with the desynchronization? Its really annoying because sometimes you dont know if someone is cheating or is just taking advantage of desync. About the new latest Operation or maybe every operation, new guns seems a bit overpowered while using whole gear. Its satisfying using them but I would nerf them a bit (maybe lower rate of fire). But the skins are nice, especially blue ones so I hope we will get more of them in the future. I would also love to see some old skins or weapons like the RK95.

    IGN: AvaScum

  • edited 8:17PM

     Ola, estou gostando da Operação Minah Bay Sands, achei o mapa bem legal, no entanto gostaria que a personalização de mira fosse ampliada seria algo bem legal, e q a equipe blackshot desse também uma atenção a questão contra os xiters e macros.

    Parabéns a equipe


    Hi, I'm enjoying Operation Minah Bay Sands, I thought the map was really cool, however I would like the crosshair customization to be expanded, that would be really cool, and for the blackshot team to also pay attention to the issue against xiters and macros.

    Congratulations to the team

    IGN: _fr0st

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