There fake accounts once more

FAKE ACCOUNT on both teams

shaddix2 enters

thxbro enters

Fake account removed

Shaddix2 exits


  • shaddix and his alt account booyaka and their fake account sat on the ladder

    0-3 its already left the room 0-5

  • That's it for their acting.

    Ā I'm sure these are all tricks and thank you very much for informing us about this in detail, my friend.Ā 

    Kind regards...

  • I can say that they are gang members who took over the game.

    Because they do all kinds of dirty things and are never punished...

  • edited September 6

    Imagine to make a screenshot of them leaving because YOU supported Posh opking the room xD

    BĆ½g Brain

    Also. "Ciruzzo" is Posh`s alt acc he uses to spy on the rooms. You are delusional as always. GG Mate.

  • It's the team's mascot. Notice he is never present on any of these screens.

    It is not posh, it is thxbro and shaddix once again causing problems on this game's server. The account has 47 minutes logged and has been present in every room these two have been.

    Nexon GMS dealing with this bloke's BS too.

  • edited September 7

    Dude. When posh is active, he joins & sits/afk's with his sub accounts in every single room that has no level restriction. Once someone joins he doesnt like, he will follow with his main PC to ruin the match by opking. He is online with like 5-6 Accounts & PC's simultaniously to be able to spy on all rooms at once. He even posted his moronic system once.

    So ofc he is in every single Room. BG is fkn dead. The odds of him beeing in one of the few remaining rooms are at 99%.

    As i wrote. Once again. Go fix your delusional brain.

  • Does the team's mascot understand what freekilling is?

    The act of padding their own KD to gain fake stats/XP by using fake/dummy accounts. Feb 2023 for thxbro. This recently shows he is active with fake accounts within the game and everyone knows Shaddix2 has been abusing fake accounts for the last 15 years across all his banned accounts.

    Let's break down the above screens.

    1. A fake account enters the room.
    2. Followed seconds later by shaddix2, then thxbro.
    3. Thxbro then exits the room at the exact time this fake account also exits the room giving up the spot on the winning side.
    4. Seconds later shaddix2 also exits the room.
    5. The fake account does not return.
    6. They have both joined and switched to the winning team.

    That seems very well coordinated to me. I don't believe two individuals from different countries would be this synced, do you?

  • edited September 8

    Ah, so you didnt notice that posh joined in all those rooms few mins after when there was space in the Enemy Team? šŸ˜‚

    And ofc the lowlvl "leaves" once they join. Simply because they kick bots from their side :) or to get space for a rejoin.

    Aswell as Rathunter kicked him in your first screen @ Siegewar. Next time if a lowlvl leaves, try to vote and see if it tells 60secs before you cry and assume bullshit šŸ˜‰šŸ‘Œ

    Third time now: Go fix your delusional brain.

  • edited September 8

    Very well coordinated once again. The above is my screenshot. There are so, so, so many examples of this taking place.

    The team's mascot has most definitely changed his tune. Let's see what the community thinks.






    Every single time the team's mascot shows up. Never in the room when they are abusing these fake accounts. Yet always the first to start deflecting the blame onto someone else. Look above the community hates you! The problems caused to Warrock over the years. Why in 2024 are we still dealing with these people abusing the game daily?

    Bot account on Discord.

    Bot account in the game.


    Sheeeeeeet call a HGM and get this taken down. Pronto.

  • Seems like your delusional brain has reached a new level. Seek help.

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