Broken usb stick

edited November 2024 in English

Broken usb stick :)



  • edited November 2024

    Why do you always try to cheat? (:

  • edited November 2024

    was i?

  • edited November 2024
  • cheater thief

  • edited December 2024

    21 months of protest and Papaya has not received a single cent from me and never will.

    Corrupt publisher is to blame for players leaving.

    The publisher chose 20 hackers instead of honest players.

    The worst thing that happened to the game is papaya

  • edited December 2024

    no once cares about:

    1. A cheater who made a conspiracy theory Video about me, made out of moronic assumptions after that kid got banned for actual cheating 🤷‍♂️ (pizzaboy)

    2. A ban caused by an Hackshield mistake. Which got removed 2-3days later by an LGM. Remember. HGMs cant revoke bans.

    Grow up looser.

  • No one cares. I play in my free2play Account since 2020 without spending a single penny. Try to get skill instead.

  • edited December 2024

    The publisher who covers bastards is losing money.

    I protest against the publisher, not against you. You are a small hacker.

    I hope other players won't waste money either.

    The players are the real masters of the game, not Papaya. Let Papaya not forget that.

  • edited December 2024

    Either "Brown" doesnt exist in your world or your Colorblindness is a thing buddy. You should go and get checked mate.

    Would prevent you from embarrassing yourself. xD

  • edited December 2024

    Du hast ein gutes gedächtnis )))

    Moritz you forgot to post your unique sneakers ))

    Dude, you have complexes. You don't understand jokes.

  • edited December 2024

    Your Jokes doesnt make any Sense 🤷‍♂️🤣

    Still: Why do you always try to cheat? (:

  • edited December 2024

    Dude, you were the one who got banned for cheating ))

    My jokes made you go through the colors and post )) You have mental problems ))

  • Was i banned for cheating? Cant remember 🤷‍♂️

  • edited December 2024

    your friend Skylake can't remember either?))))

  • Skylake was crashing rooms via sub accounts, not my issue either 🤷‍♂️

  • The staff account says hacking. Take no notice of this guy he is full of lies.

  • Everyone around DragonForce has been removed by a program employed to catch cheats!

  • edited December 2024

    Crashing rooms is done via hacks. Spam Defuse Bomb while beeing in the Derb Team to be specific . So yes, was "hacking". But on a sub account he used to crash rooms with. His main acc is collateral damage. Same IP, same HWID and stuff.

    Anyways. His issue, not mine 🤷‍♂️

  • edited December 2024

    I was in their clan and I remember the clan chat and you all talking about the crash room and how you used the hack. By the way, I made sure that this clan dispersed. I made the Palestinians leave clan. It wasn't difficult ))

    Why didn't you make a video about your friends like you did the video about the Turk overclockers??????

    Are you honest? You're lying. And that's why your words are worthless. Moritz it's just a game and lying is not good. Because of your and yr friends actions we lost players. I know you love warrock as much as I do but I don't kill the game like you.  You are against changing the server to a gaming one and have never supported this idea and have always been against it. Do you like the old server with lag? Apparently yes.

    Rejoice, no one plays Ohara anymore

  • edited December 2024

    Everyone around him is a cheater but he made a video about Turkish overclockers. Where is the logic? :)

  • edited December 2024

    Why didn't you make a video about your friend? Thats simple.

    1. Because you dont betray your best friend & mate across the street you know since the kindergarden. Or would you sell your family? :) I wont.
    2. Also: its not so easy to create a video about someone using sub accounts to do somth and make it clear that its person A with Main Account A doing forbidden stuff with account B? He also never cheated with his Main Account.

    "You are lying" Im lying? Show me where i am lying. If you would know me and not cry 24/7 for moronic reasons you would know that i am pretty honest with everything i say & do. :)

    "You are against changing the server to a gaming one" Im not againts a Gaming Server. But i am just realistic and tell you that it wouldnt affect the game the slightest. Its an old 2005 game which:

    A. Doesnt need much bandwith because its created for way worse connections and hardware - those connections & hardware available in 2005. Did it lag back then with 20k players connected to your own countrys server? No. Did it lag when you connected to another countrys server? Yes. Laggers from other countries arent a new issue to Warrock.

    B. Has now max 400 players connection to its server at once. Remember. We had 20.000 or more players connected to a single server back in 2007. Even a modern Server created for Forums beats a 2007 HIGHEND GAMING SERVER by 100000000 times. Performance AND Connection speed wise. Or do you want to tell me that in 2005 we had 100k 500k or even 1Gb connection speeds with 10ths or 100rd cores running at 4ghz and up by default? xD So tell me why it should change the game experience. The difference will be marginal & therefore not worth to cry about like you do non stop. its not worth the time or the energy to do so. atleast from my perspective.

    C. Its a Game which was never created for the Global Marked / Connection from the Entire World to a single Server. The Netcode isnt designed for it. The NetCode is the games core issue. Periode. A highend Gaming Server wont outweight the games flaws. Just ask PServer creators.

  • So, you are a cheat supporter.

    This is why you should not be on Discord or the forum. How can we be polite towards someone who actively supports cheats within Warrock? And has done for over a decade. Even today, in 2024, we see you supporting the use of fake accounts by your "friends." Dont act like they are not, as enough players have reported. Except for you!

    Did you report any of Legion Ohara's members before they too ended up on the ban list for cheating? Oh wait excuses there too.

    Jake gets banned, did you leave the clan? of course not. You came up with more excuses. Jake was then banned every year EAC was here and you still are making excuses. You are even playing alongside him in game showing your support for the cheats of Warrock.

    Same with this div, Shaddix2, Shaddix, wonderful, Haribo Again, another serial cheater of Warrock, and you have more excuses. Again have never been seen playing against, always with.

    Multiple banned users and you're by their side every time. Never played against them. We all play by the same rules, just everyone around you breaks them.

    That's why mine, pajos, and Diablo's accounts turn 18 in a few months. Also, the reason you had to get personal with us as you cannot question are gameplay. While we can clearly show you to be an active cheat supporter spanning many years.

  • edited December 2024

    "You support fake accounts by your friends"

    They might be in other rooms. But they arent in the rooms i am in. So hard for me to tell & to see 🤷‍♂️ paranoid kids calling every single new player or moron a fake account. The story gets boring. Last time you called 12steiner a GPS account xD. Just shows how moronic some of you guys are nowadays.

    Did you report any of Legion Ohara's members before they too ended up on the ban list for cheating? Oh wait excuses there too.

    Havent seen a single cheater in LegionOhara. Its a clan with history, strict rules and great people. But nice try old man. Btw the founders of the LGO could be your father age wise. You should keep silence :) they are honorable players.

    Jake gets banned, did you leave the clan?

    Had no reason to leave the clan. He was playing legit & ive never seen him cheat. Him havin 3 Accounts banned for moronic reasons is just sad in my eyes. 🤷‍♂️

    First for Clumsy, a tool he used to check connection stuff within his own projekt. Banned because you can use that tool to forcelag with it. Did anyone EVER see him Lag & Tap? No. Never. Because he never / didnt use it for WR. It was just started in the background. EAC doesnt make a difference between "its used or not" the task is running so you get banned. Same happens with any other EAC listed software. If its running in the back due to WIndows Autostart or what ever you get banned even if the software isnt active / doing somth cuz "potentially you could start to use and abuse it"

    Second Ban because of the DevClient. An alternative Warrock.exe which was located in the warrock -> texture -> system folder. Its a Dev/ Debug tool. You can Test stuff with it. See HitBoxes, Structure Borders, Infos etc. Stuff the Devs need for their work. When the Game gets started that way you get kicked from the server after 30 secs because it lacks the AntiCheat Hearthbeat. Everyone who used it got flagged and HWID banned because of potential security reasons. Even BEN89 who helped Prisma with histork to fix the DevClient issue got flagged and banned. Just another moronic ban reason.

    Third ban is caused by the above HWID ban. You dont know that you are HWID banned until you create another acc, login the game with your HWID banned PC and get banned after a while for hacking even while beeing clean. There is no info "Hey your system is flagged" or what ever. Nor does the BanList tell the difference. All it tells is "banned for hacking".

    The difference is you just guess and asume. But i know them. And thats why i dont give a single Fk about your bullshit talk :D Your mind is a brickwall and you only believe in what you want to believe 🤷‍♂️

    That's why mine, pajos, and Diablo's 

    CornerBoy hiding and spamming the chat beeing a handicap for his own team, KDSave HillBoy saving his KD scared to push and rush alone while wearing 20 skins and broken guns pushing daddys KD on lowlevels or via stacking, and CryBoy calling in Posh when players are in the room he dislikes xddd yeah truely amazing gameplay no one can question xD

  • This guy is funny, a top clown. It's honorable to be on a ban list.

    You wrote a book of excuses. No one cares. You don't get banned every year for 6 years and each one be a mistake.

  • edited December 2024

    1.It would be fair not to make a video about the Turks if you are covering for a hacker friend. At this point you were lying and people who lie can never be trusted.

    2.Your stupid theory that a fkin shit server does not affect the game can be excluded in practice, and especially in Germany, renting a game server is no more expensive than the publisher rents now. Players have the right to demand renting a game server. Players pay for rent, not papaya from their pocket.

    3.I don't cry, I demand that the publisher fulfill their obligations. I pay them money. I hired them for this job. 

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