Broken usb stick



  • edited December 2024

    Who do we believe here, a guy in Germany who's never met Jake or even been in the same country? Or a staff account?

  • Dragonforce, the cheat supporter.

  • edited December 2024

    But you know that every ban caused by the AntiCheat is listed as Hacking right?

    Overclock if caught by AntiCheat? Hacking.

    VPN caught by AntiCheat? Hacking.

    DevClient? Hacking.

    NetLimiter? Hacking.

    Getting a Secondary Ban cuz HWID Flagged PC while playing clean ? Hacking.

    Havin anything in the background started that could potentionally be abused / is blacklisted by the Anticheat even if not used like Clumy? Hacking.

    Used CheatEngine in a singleplayer game to whatever unlock somth or to get ammo/money what ever & forgot to close the task before hoping into an online game? Hacking.

    The Term "banned for hacking" is applied by the AntiCheat to everything and can mean literaly anything. Its way to vague 🤷‍♂️

    If an Admin didnt ban him manualy based on spectate and/or footage ofc he will say "its for hacking" because thats the info he get from EAC.

    As i wrote. You are Clueless. Just keep silence.

  • edited December 2024

    I dont get the point of your first Statement 🤷‍♂️

    I was never "covering" anyone. To "not report" doesnt mean to "cover". I just didnt sell out my RL Childhood Mate Skylake. No one would betray his best friend. Silence doesnt make you guilty. And just because i didnt report him it doesnt mean that i liked and supported his actions.

    Also: Just because i didnt sell someone out i know my entire life, this doesnt mean that i am suddenly " not allowed " to report & make videos about any other cheater in this game.

  • edited December 2024

    You can get 100000 bans for hacking in a row while playing legit and clean if your first ban was a HWID Ban caused by what ever moronic reason *DevClient cough *.

    And thats why your argument doesnt mean anything to me (: its also senseless to argue with you. You are clueless and your mind is a brickwall and you only see and believe what you want to see and believe. 🤷‍♂️ like the conspiracy theory video created by an actual cheater about me & ben89 😂. HGMs cant revoke bans because the lack the permissions and access. Its LGMs work 😂 & as the video even tells, Ben89 (HGM NXAres) didnt even process my Ticket but HGM NXThor alias MrWamba 😂 this alone proves my point undenieably. Yet you repost it every now and then like a true moron 😂

  • edited December 2024

    All your friends are people you could make a video about )) Earlier you wrote that your friend with whom you shared a pampers as a child was banned because hardware ))

  • edited December 2024

    We are legit players, we do not care about your excuses. We trust in the anti-cheat that protects Warrock. As you rightly stated, no one in the history of Warrock has been banned unless they deserved it.

    Dragonforce is a cheat supporter

  • Jup. The SubAccount he used got banned & he recieved an HWID Ban. So his main Account got banned too.

    And as you can see. Nothing has changed to what i say.

  • This is the dumbest reply I think I've read. How is he legit while cheating on sub-accounts?

    This bloke is saying it is okay to cheat on throwaway accounts, so long as you don't do it on a "main"

  • edited December 2024

    He lies and twists and turns like a snake trying to justify himself.

  • edited December 2024

    How is he legit while cheating on sub-accounts?

    When you played vs Skylake (main acc) and got your ass wupped and cryed about he would be cheating vs you and thats why you die all the time - no you just got your ass wupped by a good player. despite the fact crashing rooms with sub accounts he played legit and fair on his main acc. And thats all i am telling :)

    This bloke is saying it is okay to cheat on throwaway accounts, so long as you don't do it on a "main"

    Show me were i stated that its "OK" to cheat as long as its on a sub account? Cant remember saying that lul. Must be your delusional drugged mind again rhyming things together. GG

  • Russians have a saying: tell me who your friend is and I will tell you who you are.

  • Just stop.

    Why do admins of Warrock allow this?

    This is the dumbest reply I think I've read. How is he legit while cheating on sub-accounts?

  • edited December 2024

    To win a chess game, you have to sacrifice, and to create the illusion of control and fairness, the publisher sacrificed one hacker account.

    Oh thank you, most honest of all publishers PAPAYA ))

    Now players can play and there are no hackers in the game.

    We commit to pay you more and regularly for your repainted famases and k1))

    Was this the reaction the publisher was expecting from players?

    Go to hell, we the players, pay for your work and demand that you fulfill your obligations.

    For me there are no authorities and especially not the authority of the admin of this game.

    I see reality and in it the game has not become better. 

    On the same computer, on different days and at different times of the day, different damage.

    How is this possible? Only the fucking server rented by Papaya can be to blame.

    Moritz Is the game's netcode changing ? )))

    According to logic and common sense, the server is to blame, but according to your idiotic theory, the changing network code is to blame ))

    If the netcode does not change, then what changes between the permanent pc, server and the game netcode?

  • hello,

    banned accounts of other players should not be discussed on a public forum, especially if you are not the person.

    if you get banned by papaya play, create a ticket and wait for a game master to contact you.

    i will remind you of the terms of service



  • The answer to the question is very clear.

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