[INFO] BlackShot SEA GM Team

Hello SEA Mercs,

On this topic you can see the info of the current BlackShot SEA GM Team and also the languages that they speak:

✪ Game Masters (GM)

• GM-Santa - English & Chinese

• GM-Sphynx - English & Malay

• GM-Trident - English & Malay

• GM-Yogurt - English & Tagalog

• GM-Conrad - English & Chinese

• GM-Helius - English & Chinese

• GM-Reaper - English & Chinese

• GM-Ace - English & Chinese

The list of Game Assistants (GA) are in the next post.

If you have any problems or questions Blackshot related feel free to contact us via a support ticket, or on our Discord at https://discord.gg/XstAX5q or on our Facebook Group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/blackshotseacommunity


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