Dragonforce and his cheats
|This guy only just been banned but look back in game already. What happend to HWID dont you do this anymore?
Why is nothing ever done about this. Every game dragonforce hiding behind a cheater. Check out the vote kick when i expose them both. To think they both mid 20 in age and cheating on a dead f2p game.
He is clearly supporting cheaters every game he plays just look at the past accounts he always teams up with.
Play banned repeat every 6 months. Wondeful new account same cheat.
Admins do nothing. he gets to play for next 2/3 months before banned again even though hes using the same programs.
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man i am so glad that i muted you ingame. I am so happy that i dont need to read you trash talk every match.
Btw i just voted you because you tryed to kick me 2 secs earlier. :) Stop to turn things around the way you like it.
And Please go CoinFarm in other rooms. Or i will report you next time for sitting 20 minutes in a corner doing nothing. Just blocking a Slot & farming LuckyCoins.
It not trash talk when its the truth.
You mean this game? where i swam unseen to niu main. Sat below water for a while till you came strait to me and killed me. Showing your abusing the cheats too.
You mid 20s now and cheating on this dead game.
Im f2p why would i farm some stupid coin. sit 1 hour for 2 coins dont be fkin stupid i was hiding away to show Your a cheat. And again you proved me right by running strait to me. farming coins nah that's the lame type of stuff you and you German hacker friends do like teaming in BR, sad fk
Ever seen me on a list? nah, im legit unlike u!
Every game he plays. Always backed by the cheat.
Admins do nothing to dragonforce supporting cheaters every game he plays. Why is he protected?
Man, i was searching you for like 10 minutes till i came to the conclusion that you might camp where you always camp. In our homebase inside the building - or behind it in the water. Your playstyle isnt something new to anybody. If you hide you will most likely camp in the Enemys Homebase somwhere. We arent stupid. :)
Ah if you are not LuckyCoinFarming - Whats the Point of sitting in a corner for idk 40 Minutes doing nothing except blocking a slot your team might need for a mate actualy playing the game ? Comon dude.
Really? looking for me while spawn camping and killing with your cheater.
My first screen you 31-14 yet you 70-26 before you killed me. Does not look like you spent much time looking for me does it.
So why you lying? just stop it everyone know your a cheat and supporting cheats
Shall i post up all the people you played with game after game that are now banned?
men do you think i will care only about you in a match ? LOL as i would straight up search you for 10 minutes. Everytime i died i spawned in a different base i thought you could be at, moved to the enemy Base, did kills. died, spawned at a different base. Till i remembered where you just camped in the last Disturm Match we had vs eachother :) went for my Homebase, threw nades inside the buidling, no hitmarkers, used the Luchs to see third person around the building and guess which player i was able to see swimming at the corner inside the water behind the building ? right :D it was you <3
Thats a cool story
Weird how i sat watching the active GPS and never seen anyone spawn at any other base other then the closest to derb main that whole time 😮
Nice try though, i keep posting every game i see you with this cheat and when he gets banned again you can give me another story about how u never knew. but there you are side by side each game. just like shiddix and skylake and thats just in last 12/18months.
These German cheaters.
Y because the Air reconaissance is active 24/7 so you are able to see the respawns every time right ? xd Man u are such a moron.
How many games in one day will these two German cheats ruin.
How many Matches will you sit in a corner to farm LuckyCoins
Wonderful or Shadix or Haribo ........Germans hacker and boyfriend Dragonforce
I've never exploited anything in this game. EVER
You will do anything to gain an advantage. Like bug using to enter bases every game. You have been blocked for bug using, blocked for teaming in BR, blocked for verbal abuse to other members. Along with sub accounts banned for cheating. You have in also in the past exploited bugs which gained you permeant weapons or massive amounts of XP. None of this is lies, its all true.
Face it you are a cheat supporter, this evident by the people you choose to play with. You are never seen playing against them always with. But carry on, in a few months you can write me a story explaining how you never new this new account with 20 hours was cheating.
Everyone else can see it but you. Your blind, dumb or support, which one is it?
I had several Insult bans in the past - true. But idc about them :)
Cant remember that i was ever banned for bugabuse.
I got banned for Teaming while the guy i should have teamed with (Nawieeeeen) was unbanned because of the fact that we werent teaming. So Idc. It was a false claim (which was also the reason why i wasnt disqualified at the first BR season) :)
I dont have banned SubAccs :) As you know, players with Sub Accs have most likely a Banned Main acc - Even if they used a VirtualMaschine & VPN etc. ;) But hey. I am Active.
I never exploited any bug to gain permanents or to get "massive amounts of XP"
& The last "massive EXP glitch" was when DE gave the Nexon Tournament Winners the Gold Strap - which caused those who have it to be able to gain several million EXP in one match.
"None of this is lies, its all true" - Wrong. Its all a n1 Fantasy you got in your Head. It just shows how clueless & paranoid you are.
Crying i would have edited files and programs running in my background because of the lack of skill you got. GG. try something new.
Kids like you crying about me since more than 10 years & 3 different publishers. And yet i am not banned. Weird right?. Maybe you should just accept that i am legit :)
Played for 10 years but you hang around with accounts made last week. 🙄
Supporting them its just as bad if not worse, least they except there bad and need help so cheat just to kill in this dead game. Its ironic the amount of people you have got banned, yet you sit by allowing these wasters to help you. Knowingly playing with people on TeamSpeak who are cheating is not legit.
I update this thread again when i see you with them. It wont take to long. Then you can carry on saying your legit.
Dude. It doesnt matter when and how i play - you always cry and accuse me for cheating. so whats your point ? xd
@Mrterr0r Do You really think they can live without each other? It's german PRIDE couple. A known cheater harib0t (HWID banned) and his little toy - morit :). That's all. He can't play a simple game without harib0t in enemy team. He need to know exact locations of enemy players, that's what harib0t is for 🤣. Sabotage in enemy team or abuse cheats/scripts in his team 🙃. No need to add more, they are both, useless tras**s.
Imagine hiding behind Smoke with DBR and AKTC but havin a big mouth in the Forums 😉😂🤣
btw i cant see any "Haribot" in the Enemy team in those screens, do you start to get paranoid or somth ? :)
In those screens hm, I don't need any screens from terror, I have my own evidence, which is much more clear, than some worthless screens :). Imagine typing 24/7 everywhere and still texting to someone about big mouth whoah 🤔. But hey, remember, you are just farmer. NOTHING ELSE! ->🐶<- 😥
PSSSSST, ask amneziax3 or schluckauf for some assistance, cause without them, u are býg 0. With em, too, huh! 😓😅😂
It didn't take long
Played for 10 years but you hang around with accounts made last week. 🙄
in/out/in/out, Cheat supporter (0-1 who killed you 😏)
why don't you make a video about your German hacker friends? You did a video about Turkish overclockers.
You are the same hacker as your friends, but more cunning. You cannot play fair because you cannot.
Everyone in the game knows you're a hacker except the ...... publisher. Or the publisher pretends not to see that you hacker.
Popoya when does your contract end? I have saved up money for a new publisher.
""why don't you make a video about your German hacker friends? You did a video about Turkish overclockers""
@N0HCH0 Its ironic the effort he went to get so many players banned by making videos yet has always allowed his group of "friends" to cheat every game for years. Sat back and done nothing about it.
They all protect him, is this why no admins are around in battlegroup as they protect him too? Nothing gets done against this serial cheater and the people that openly support the cheat.
They all hiding behind a 32-hour cheater account, proper skills these German BOTs. Wont kick the cheat but will kick me just so they have someone they can hide behind.
Gasira Ak Tizzio
Make 41+ room named, NO GERMAN PRIDE BOTS HERE
And look wondeful logs off booyaka logs in. How many accounts does this no life cheat have?
Then i get a scripton member join my team but they dont kill him. he is allowed to run out of main unharmed without being killed. All these German bots so toxic on a dead game.
Look 2nd screen I'm right next to the scripton member but they wont kill him. How sad are these guys to be doing this on a dead game. Is it because without cheating they are bad and get angry people kill them?
Booyaka ak wondeful
Vexiiz is a CQC only nub never seen in BG, yet turns up in a 41+ BG game
How big is this German cheater group?
MrTerror are you just stupid or mentally challenged? get some help.
The only mental people in this dead game are the ones using cheats or supporting them.
Warrock could not be any easier of a game to play, but look there clearly a large group of active players using them. Or on teamspeak getting all the info while not risking there own accounts. Time they where removed from the game for good. But players like dragonforce are protected even though every day hes logged in with low level accounts helping him.
look just like dragonforce we have basically another lvl 100 hand holding a cheater.
Both joining together so cute, tizzo and dragon both needing a 32hour made last week account to play
Hey admins what are you doing?