Nerfing Over Powering Sailors Equip/cannons/pvp

Hi, I be Sui. aka |Suicide| ign

A have witnessed a large amount of old vet players leave the game due to these sailor equipt items,

-Phalanx shield

-Gnumi shield

These items make it where a player with no skill or experience can withstand attacks from a whole fleet simply by running it, if both sides use it, no one gets sunk, or it takes hours to do anything to each other.

Nerf them or remove them Petition!

Personal position:

I've just avoided many encounters with people who have this equip on, it's not hard to avoid but I would love to actually enjoy pvp again.


  • Hi sui! Ya i made a post similar to this awhile back. The thing that bothers me the most is why re-release the same stuff with only better stats?

    My suggestion was that they take a break from all the maritime stuff and focus the SE's on more adventure/trade jobs. Especially adventuring they could come out with some great stuff for land and dungeon play. A good example is they have SE to show ships on battle map but how about SE that helps pinpoint legacy finds on survey map? Or a SE that would help during SoW and fighting the levi's etc...

    Tbh, my favorite type of sea battle now is light round of ESF, it's by far the most balanced of the 3.

    But maybe now you guys understand why I don't do cannon fighting and just go full melee now. It was always hard trying to keep up with the arms race of power guns, plates, ships and gear and in the end it's all just comes down to "all or nothing".

    I don't fully agree with the 'new player' argument since play skill plays a primary factor. Not sure how it is for gun combat but melee it's easy to take out larger forces with smaller crews if you know what you're doing. I've taken out a few 420 crew ships using only 200 crew when they don't know how to use their stuff properly. But overall i do agree with you.


  • Just to clarify, I don't think they need to nerf, just don't reproduce the same item in stronger versions. As I said above, this game needs diversity not a never ending ladder of 'better versions' of what we already have, and more expansion into the non maritime professions.

    As for it's use, I will relate my own experience with it. I started using it near the end of last year, i actually overlooked phalanx shield when it came out because of the "armor ship refit" requirement (I had never tired a ship with that skill before). The only reason I even looked at that SE closer was because of the effect HM Telescope had on pvp last year when it was released, and was told that the shield was the counter to this SE. I wasn't going to redo my RNG so I tried it out on a MSF. I wrote a thread about how it held up in pvp against the big ships in BC/ESF.

    Yes the ship did hold up more against some crits (depending on distance shot) but I did still get sunk alot to in some games. Now it's important to know that this is only using THIS SE not in combination with the other 2 defensive SE (Attack Nobori Flag/ Reinforcing stern castle iron). i have the flag SE but not the stern castle one but haven't really tried using shield and flag much. The flag is really only effective if you are in the middle of battle and being shot at not the outside of battle. I think the combination of the shield and the sterncastle would be hard kill from behind but you have to be using 3 ship skill slots for this (2x armor refit, x1 BPA) so there is a disadvantage as well. But doesn't 'Gun boat refit' counter this effect?

    The second ship I tried out the shield on was my ERG for light round ESF. In another thread of mine it was asked about how effective ramming would be but I had never tried it before, but it did spawn the idea in me to try it out sometime.

    When i got the ERG, i made it geared for ramming so using the shield was going to be a must (but again, it takes up 2 skill slots). it does help and i can use the attack flag with it. In ramming you have more effectiveness, the more speed you can build up before you hit so using the 2 SE's does help take many hits when i'm chasing my target but it is light round so yes even using 2 SE for defense isn't enough many times for well placed crit shots.

    Overall, none of these factors affect me in battle. As I said above, when your focus is melee then you 'bypass' all guns, dura, armor, defense SE on enemies so people using them doesn't bother me. I think if a ship wants to use up all it's slots for defense then sure, it's going to be hard to take it out but if you go heavy in one area then you will be weak in others. These new SE's have really changed the dynamics of the game that's for sure but i guess we all have to adapt. There's pros and cons for using them and atleast SE use is limited to 3 like battle skills in the ring.

  • Thank you for the more in depth description of the problem Purp.

    I agree as well with your statements on everything you've explained, hopefully they get around to a better balanced system.

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