edited February 2024 in English


In three weeks it will be 1 year, I don't spend money in protest and call on all players to demand to rent a game server. I have extended the boycott until September 2024.

Papaya deleted my previous post with such protest.

I ask my enemies and friends in the game to support the boycott and not buy from the publisher for at least 3 months.

Papaya, warrock our game and you work for our money for us. You must comply with our reasonable requests.

If you don't agree with this, follow Nexon.

You deleted items purchased from Nexon, claiming that did this for the sake of skin balance. But you yourself later started selling what you stole from the players.

You yourself sell items with a hidden timer, calling them permanent.

You are a swindler publisher who killed our game.

It's time for Papaya to leave 



  • Finally, I agree with Antiterror regarding goats and weapons. You're absolutely right about that, Antiterror. It can't be permanent if it has a time limit. It's a complete scam. Antiterror, for players like you to stop buying, you have to play without the goats and weapons you've purchased, as well as use slots 5 and 8 to be the same as other players. What would you use slots 5 and 8 for while I only have slot 3? I know that would help you to compensate for your lack of skills in the game because, despite buying everything, you're still a bad player.

  • I think the timer is just a visual bug. I also get timers on the default weapons sometimes - but I continue having them even after the timer runs out.

  • Dont quote, I think it was 3 months between no stats and stats on sale?

    The timer is another fk you, to the loyal players of this game. Its not papaya plays fault, there not to blame. These weapons were bought under the pretence of being permanently available and should remain this way.

    If there is a timer on a weapon. Papaya play should just replace with an identical. Right the wrongs. Its not hard to inject a weapon without a timer.

    These staff members managed to load out banned players with permanent weapons under the guise of "events"

  • edited February 2024

    Delusional as always. Items get injected via the LGMs. HGMs just hold the Events. Has always been like that. HGMs are just players with the ability to spectate.

    They create an Event, write down who won, ask what item you want to have & provide that info to the LGMs. The LGM will then decide if you get the requested item or if you need to select somth else. Once the LGM agrees with the requested reward, he will inject it.

    Yes it is 'hard' to inject an item without a timer. Thats why Gamersfirst had the Webpage retail selection aswell as thats why the only other way to get real perms is by creating a new Acc. Its not a Item you get. Its an different Account Type you get. Those Items count as default weapons. Its part of the default loadout -> Different Acc Type.

    The reason why nexon decided to add "fake permanents" into the game with a hidden 10y timer is simple. They never thought the game would still be around when the timer would start to show up (after exactly 5 years).

    No they cant replace them anyways. PapayaPlay has no access to the nexon payment history nor do they know which guns we won perm. I mean look. Ive had Items on my main acc without a timer because mysterybox rewards stacked durations. 5 slot for example. Ive it without a timer simply because it was part of the "junk" you got out of mysteryboxes. PapayaPlay cant pin down what was won perm and whats just stacked durations. Sad but fact.


    You play WR since 2007 just like me. Yet you know NOTHING about this game. Sad. But its always funny to see how you make moronic claims just to get corrected shortly after. Logic isnt your strongest trait as it seems.

  • This is not a bug, this is a scam. Papaya also does this scam.

    The next publisher will state that claims should be made to the publisher from whom the purchase was made.

  • As long as PapayaPlay remains the publisher of WR and extends the duration of the items you won under their lead every time the timer shows up, its not scam. Once the publisher changes it gets scam.

  • edited February 2024

    My timer was not removed. You also have the same situation. Why are you supporting this injustice?

    Papaya is the successor in title and is responsible for items purchased before he became the publisher.

    Otherwise, why do they change the characteristics of items purchased from other publishers? If they are not related to permanents purchased from another publisher, then why do they change the characteristics of weapons and remove items?

    Let him change those items that were purchased from her.

    Where is the logic?

    p.s. Because of this attitude, the players left the game. The publisher disrespects players and engages in scams.

    Who lost more?

    The players have a choice, but the publisher does not.

  • edited February 2024

    Simple. They changed the characteristics for a balancing purpose. How to balance stuff without nerfing the OP Items and Buff the Weak guns? Ofc those who bought the OP weapons wont like the change, but without change there will never be balance. BASIC LOGIC.

    PapayaPlay has no access to payment / transaction history by Nexon. They cant extend the items as long as they cant be sure that you obtained it as perm @ Nexon. I told you that already a million times. AND THATS BASIC LOGIC TOO.

    I dont accept injustice. But i accept the fact the neither WE nor PapayaPlay can prove which guns were obtained as perm & therefore cant be extended. Its sad, but thats how it is. You can keep cry about it or you can come to terms with it. Like i did.

  • edited February 2024

    Fake permanent K1-NL open hidden timer . Deleting fake permanents.

  • edited February 2024

    Everyone knows that these are fake permanents, but you demand proof )))

    I don’t cry, but I won’t resign myself like you. How much the Celts have changed.

    You have a slave mentality.

  • edited February 2024

    Dude. Your mind is literaly a brick wall.

    Those permanents are fake TRUE. But this wont change that fact the WE cant prove that WE WON the Guns as Permanents NOR is PapayaPlay able to check by themselves if we obtained those guns as Permanents. AS LONG AS WE CANT PROVIDE ANY EVIDENCE THAT WE DIDNT JUST STACK THE DURATION THEY WONT EXTEND THE TIMER.

    Understood now? We cant do anything about it except to come in terms with it.

    And about the items PapayaPlay sells: As i wrote. As long they are the Publisher of the game and continue to extend the duration of the Items we won under their lead its technicaly "permanent" since they wont expire, therefore -> no scam. How ever. It gets scam once WarRock leaves PapayaPlay which means the items might not get extended anymore -> therefore false claim "permanent".


  • The next publisher will state that the permanents were not purchased from him. It's a question of time.

    Who are you trying to deceive?

  • edited February 2024

    i highly doubt that there will be a "next publisher".

  • Some believe, some doubt, and some appeal to facts.

    The fact is that the players were deceived.

    The fact is that the publisher rents a server not intended for games.

    The fact is that the publisher does not even pretend that he wants to rent a modern game server.

    The fact is that after two weeks, 1 year of protest and the publisher has not received a single cent from me.

  • My dear friend, you are very right in this case. I'm here to fully support you. They stole our unlimited belongings from us, it won't take years to repair. I bought a 10-year gold membership a long time ago and I haven't made any payments for a long time. I don't think I'll pay until they fix their mistake. Cheaters also appear in every game. They can't handle it anymore. There's a lot to say, but that's all from me. Kind regards...

  • You can see my unlimited items from this title. Thanks everyone in advance.

  • edited February 2024

    Thank you for your kind words addressed to me. Sometimes I am hard in my statements and can accidentally offend good people. I apologize to good people.

  • edited February 2024


    1 year of protest has passed.

    Papaya you didn't get a single cent of my money.

    The protest continues.

  • Congratulations papaya.

    You did everything possible so that I didn't spend money for 1 year.

  • edited February 2024

    Today + 1 fake permanent open hidden timer.

    Papaya you got + 2 months without my money.

    Don't count on my money until November 2024y

  • Papaya, until you start renting a GAMING server in Germany you will not receive a single cent.

    You are a scammer publisher renting a cheap server-shit.

  • edited March 2024
    How are you doing papaya?
    Well, what about the server?
    Is the server intended for forums and blogs working properly? ))
    If you look at discord, you can see how all the players are happy about your cheap server.))
  • MYSTIIKA from discord I didn't remove permanents for no reason .
    I was preparing slots for buying new permanents ))))
  • logged in and claimed reward though? 🤑

  • The Warrock League, Are you ESL Ready!

    Coming "Soon"

    no 8th, no 6th, no 5th, no aim, no kills, just tears.

    the ideal banner ^^^ strait to the point.

  • edited March 2024
    MYSTIIKA you are a person not gifted with a sense of sarcasm))
    I know that deleting "permanents" will not change the publisher. 
    By deleting I show the players what a "permanent" is . 

  • edited June 2024

    Papaya hasn't received a cent in 18 months and never will.

     I don't want to pay rent for a cheap shit server.

  • edited September 2024

    04.09.2024 :) spend zero

    no gaming server- no money

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