I have a question for every GM

edited January 2023 in English

If I kick an account from a room.... and for the following 5 minutes 5 lvl 1 accounts enter and try to kick me from the room then once the vote has ended the account exits the room for the next one to join. One even joined the other team and had to reenter.... A level one account joins, switches teams, vote kicks me and leaves.

So GMs, Would you say these accounts are connected?

Seems odd right, I kick one guy out and almost instantly 5 bot accounts on the trot join vote kick me and exit only for the original account i kicked to renter the room.

Coincidence or do we have someone abusing the game with multiple  accounts

Let me upload the screens and i share all the names...



  • edited November 2022

    A production line of level one accounts. Each and every room they enter its the same outcome. For something that happens so regularly the staff of this game really do struggle to put an end to it. Even when clearly shown on a forum, via discord, or in game PMs. No form of communication to any staff member showing the abuse in game taking place results in any punishment. The GMS of this game are happy for these known players to be exploiting the game. Hence why to date nothing has been done about it and they continue to bomb every game with sub accounts.

    This is not a 1-100 problem. Its happening every game, every day, every week.

    And still the GMs cannot stop it!

  • edited November 2022


    Players will set up multiple accounts to play against each other. Usually, the primary account will be allowed to win through a deliberate lack of resistance from the secondary account(s) due to those accounts being unplayed or those players agreeing to lose.


    Stacking involves altering game settings or team lineups to give one or more teams an unfair advantage over others. One example includes arranging a team of skilled or professional players against a team with members of lesser skill. Less ethical rigging involves weighting the game by providing a player or team with an advantage by outfitting them with better (or more familiar) weapons or equipment, or creating a play field that caters to a certain player, team or playing style.

    Cheating in online games is the subversion of the rules or mechanics to gain an unfair advantage over other players.

    Does the above sound familiar?

    As the player population continues to decease the once minority of toxic players have now become the majority. With the above taking place each and every game for the same IGNS.

  • are you talking about the guy sitting in a corner every match, blocking a slot just to farm coins?

  • edited November 2022

    Place yourself in my shoes for one game ( feel good to be a legend?)

    Lets break down in detail what a cheater really looks like. Then we can question why no staff member has ever acted.

    The yellow arrow Account (BalAlkan) shows the boosting account having already been placed in the room prior to this account (ThxBro) entering. This is nothing new, this account (ThxBro) and others are exploiting this each game they just keep rotating the names of the bot accounts used. Do have to question why long term players are always padding ratios on accounts made this week. Or maybe this is as competitive as they can get?

    Time - 33.09

    Score - 05 / 06

    Yes that message is correct. A full pay to win player is switching teams to play against a team of F2P.


    This account (ThxBro) is now in the process of switching teams once again. Every game its the same! i guess this how someone keeps an 80% win rate by never playing against anyone who has the ability to shoot back. Living in a world of fantasy.

    The moment this account (ThxBro) re-entered the room on MY SIDE, I sent the message out. ALL Y

    ( I thought he refused to play with me. But only when teams suit i guess) Clown!

    Good-bye you toxic team stacking pos. Go ruin another room. Kinda have to question the point of playing when you know each and every game is stitched up before you even enter the room.


    Now imagine my surprise as soon as we removed this toxic account from the room. Account (BalAlkan) immediately switches sides and vote kicks me as noted by his message saying "go4" just minuets before on derb. Sadly for them. The vote did not go there way.

    Time check.... 24.01 around 9mins. This is slow for this account (ThxBro) because of the bot accounts he places into each room prior to entering he normally gets to switch teams a lot quicker.



    Time check 23.28, 1 vote kick down (BalAlkan), now this account (QuesoCod) Notice how both the bot accounts are active in F1 chat trying to get me removed. Didn't work though. In and out. Time check 22.56. This account (QuesoCod) in the room around ONE minute


    SEND IN REINFORCEMENTS! (bl4ckshoter) lvl1

    Time check 22.34. Its been 22 seconds since one lvl1 left the room and another level one account entered. But they fucked up, this bot just joined the god dam wrong side.

    Time check 21.53

    Around 90s for this account (bl4ckshoter) to enter / Exit / rejoin and vote kick me! This is the third vote kick in a row now (BalAlkan) (QuesoCod) (bl4ckshoter) But its not over yet folks!



    Time check 20.37

    From 24.01 to 20.37 its been around FOUR MINUTES and in this time i have been vote kicked by (BalAlkan) (QuesoCod) (bl4ckshoter) (PasierZ) who all immediately left the room after a failed vote. Look up these accounts (BalAlkan) has been used the rest are brand new level ones who being a betting man will wager that these three accounts will all be negative in KD!



    Now to sit back and await the defense story.

    How none of these accounts are connected, that switching teams takes skill. How level ones pose a real threat.

  • Everyone kicks you err0r because in every single game u start to cry and stop play. You literally block slot for real players who want to play the game and not use the in game chat as social media messenger.

    If you can't handle to play against certain players then just quit and make space for others.

    From all I see when u play is that as soon as people join who cut u from taking bases and kill you plenty times u go hide in a corner and start the massive annoying typing.

    But as soon as you are the one spawncamping noobs or beginners with the most known stacker and better side depender pajo11(ur full p2w friend) then u go silent and don't type a single word while killing lvl 1s behind flashes? Hypocrisy? I think so.

    Just accept the fact that easy games where u can hide behind other players and take some bases as medic and go out with a 20/20 score are over for u.

    Become better or stay silent, ty.

  • edited November 2022

    The above was just a single game!

    They are abusing the game in this manor every day and these staff members are blind to it, like this is something hard to spot, Its not! Each room they are in, Pre OR Prior to entering brand new accounts follow them into the room on the opposite team which do not move or shot. So you have an 80% + win rate. Or a 4+ KD yet every room you are in there is a brand new account on the other team.

    All the top players in e-sports games boast about fragging new players right? No, just these Clowns then.

  • How many games before you deal with this problem?

    To repeat myself, You do not get a 80% win-rate in battle group unless you are purposely exploiting the game mechanics. Yet every account he owns ( cough sorry bought in 2020) is an 80% + win-rate.

    Once again the bot account ( iFTW ) is placed into the room prior to entering. (dont be fooled they do farm some accounts to increase the level so they can bypass level restrictions)

    I once again use my daily vote for a toxic player. All Y and byebye baby.

    Seconds after being removed, just like last time they start to swam the room.

    The bot account has now switched teams too. And like last time voted me.

    It worked, look the cheats start to PM me?

    Why did i leave?

    Why did he join a room. Then switch teams. Then as you can see from the next message, exit the room directly after my removal.

    They set out to ruin every room they enter. Why is this not being stopped?

  • edited December 2022

    Once again, like every game they are present for the Bot account (IFtW) is first placed into the room prior to entering!

    Why are they acting like this to play a game. A game where they have paid for every possible item which gains them an advantage. Then, these retards have the cheek to turn around and talk about how good they are and how easy everything in warrock is.

    Well yeah, Cheating is the easy way out for bad players!

    View the skills on display!

    Having played for 16 years mostly F2P i am so impressed at this skill level. Using multiple accounts each game. no wonder they never lose and both have 80% + win rates.

    To repeat myself, You do not get a 80% win-rate in battle group unless you are purposely exploiting the game mechanics. 


    For players who claim the game is easy they sure like fixing teams to there advantage.

    Scroll up to my first post, " The yellow arrow Account (BalAlkan) shows the boosting account having already been placed in the room prior to this account" Well not this game. this Account (BalAlkan) has been placed on the other side now to spy for them!

    F2P making sure the bot claims all the free rewards!

    It took them 5 accounts just for them to be able to play. haaaaaaaahahahahaha nothing is easy for you, every area of the game which you can exploit you do. 28 years old and acting like this.

    From the warrock community its time you all grow up!



    thxbro / errick



    pizzabaker90 < this is a new account fresh off the press. One to keep an eye out for it.

  • Running around dressed like this. telling everyone how easy it is. While using bot accounts to fix teams and pad kd.

  • You are all correct. Everything about this is easy. Apologies for questioning this clearly superior skill level;

    Exposing this is making them mad.

  • edited December 2022

    No wonder everything so easy.

    Every game is the same. Another week old account in the same room with Thxbro and look the same stupid name as that twat on discord who was pretending to be a girl.

  • This is getting a tad boring. Having to put up with this each and every game. And guess who is on the other team.

  • How many games today? how many hours logged.

    Not once lost a game today. No wonder he has an 80% win rate Has been on the winning team of every room hes entered.

    Bot account in. Check teams and then enter!

    6 or 7 games today we have had to put up with this cheat.

  • edited December 2022

    Let me quote you @morty

    I love this game, but nope its not worth it coming back...

    You cannot love this game like i do. Because i do not stand for any cheating. Unlike yourself.

    Lets cut this nonsense, we both know what is going on. So you must accept this. in which case you clearly do not love this game. Because this guy is toxic and needs removing. Along with a couple of other people and a staff member!

  • Go find a doctor please. What's wrong with you? You are obviously mentally challenged. This forum is not the place to cure serious diseases.

  • edited December 2022

    Ducked the question to focus on something irrelevant

  • Do you like the irony of this picture.

  • Thanks for the ban, its well deserved.

    Now onto his next account errick. less then 5-mins after ban he is back. Remove them all. For good.

  • cant see a question somewhere, all i can see is someone crying 24/7

  • Joined, left, rejoined voted me.

    Joined Voted me Left!

    Joined Voted me left!

    Joined voted me left!

    Then this joins.

    He does not learn? Just lost one account and look strait back in the game doing the exact same thing.

  • edited December 2022

    You must except what is going on? are reading this and not just blindly commenting.

    It must be hard to love something which your "friends" shit all over ?

    But then you have always overlooked there antics. 😐️

  • The last Screenshot, thats Posh.

  • edited December 2022

    8 hours logged.

    22 games

    19 kills and 264 deaths. 0.007

    This is one of your "friends" bot accounts. Clearly, as its been following me around in game doing nothing but joining the room, vote kicking me then leaving. This account has been used solely for abuse and to pad fake stats. Nothing more.

    Not good enough to line up in a room with others on a daily basis. Every day is like groundhog. You have an influence over the teams, the map, the sides and its never at a disadvantage. (everyone is afraid of 41+ rooms = No bots)

    You and your friends do not want any of this! Especially if limited to 1-4 slots. Some of these clowns have not played a single game in years without touching 6th slot. And this just 1 of many op items. kinda Like you claiming to be f2p 1-4 so i make account and show how easy it is. Only to find you using 8th,5th extra stats etc... then on top using bot accounts with your friends. You lot have ducked anything remotely competitive within this game. Even when i make a fresh account you still refused to play without the extra items you had gained.

    Warrock needs to remove the option to select map, teams and sides along with the rejoining option removed. Log in, ready up and play! A lot of players kds would change overnight for the worst once they could no longer fix the teams. And to highlight this problem once more. Its been going on for years now!

    My kd will only rise. Once the teams are balanced. But for a lot of these 2+, 3+, 4+ kd players they would have a big shock if every game was started with equal numbers and they couldn't only play 1 map, 1 side having started 2v1 and capped every base in 30s to then spend the next 30mins spawn camping any player who joins.

  • edited December 2022

    I see you are in a clan on that F2P account. along with your main account dragonforce also being in a clan.

    Yet, you cannot produce one screenshot over the last 10 years where you and your clan have been in a lobby together ready to play searching for an equal opponent to challenge you. I have heard a lot of excuses but never seen the talk backed up in game! Log in any day and there are upwards of 6 or more Bg players within your clan, yet none of you ever start a single game together. But each and every game you all end up on the same team.

    Dont worry you are not the only bad clan in game

    Its just ironic how much you and other people talk in game, yet the above is how you all act!

  • Another day and the same thing continues.

    Bot account again

    I showed this account above from yesterday! 19 kill 264 deaths

    Well he was using this account to cap the bases to effect the game. before reentering on his main account.

    Another team stacked game via the use of bot accounts.

    I am not going out my way for this. He is doing this every game and now its been across two accounts! over two days.

    Hes nothing more then a cheat who never wants to play a balanced game.

  • Huh, so that lvl 4 accout was on niu with the other bot account and when i renter it has switched teams.

    Why is this happening every single game.

  • @morty Pull your head out, How many people do you require. You only wanna play a balanced game if you have 10 players. But go game to game team-stacking with 4/6 other players is okay.

    No one in this game is worried about playing you. if i was would i message you to play? You see, your making a balanced game something of an event. When balanced games should be standard.

    Let me make this 100% clear no one is bothered by you from a competitive stance other then new players who have not paid. You are very limited. Repeat the same movements every game ( because you are largely unchallenged ) and are limited on the maps you can fight on. Plus the moment anyone kills you, you lose your head and go into f2 chat. 99% of the games have been fixed for your advantage. Can you compete 10v10 random when everyone is there to play. Dunno if you can tbh.

    Okay my bad, you was in a clan called cure or curse one or the other so this name must changed recently.

    Once again when i tell you what slots and weapon i am using so you can do the same, you write me a book on excuses. (x)

  • Imagine you and pajo making a baby. It would be the ulitmate crying camper with p2w stuff. The only struggle will be the camp on roof or in corners

  • edited December 2022

    You are a real comedian, a proper jester, a right clown.

    Watch you avoid this, as you are logged in. Why not take a quick snipe of your credit history for 2022 and post it up here. ( i share mine too) Then we can start asking how come after so long you require all this junk, along with using so many sub accounts to play warrock.

    Never see you in game. To me your just that guy that had to cheat to play and that is all you will be remembered as.

    The majority of your kills on your 2 year old account have come from brand new accounts like posted on the first page. Or you have outright team-stacked 1 of 2 maps. Every game is rigged to your advantage, while being backed by the paywall.


    You are 28? Do you enjoy this. How do you take any pride in them stats knowing full well there fake. Do you finish a game, sit there thinking you played well? Something cannot be right with you. The past 10 years, which would be your 20s you have done nothing but cheat and be toxic on a free to play game.

    You have spent hours of the best years of your life sat inside playing this dumb game. But not playing it like a normal person. Just hammering bot accounts. That is so sad. Contact me if you wanna talk. but for a now 28 yo, this is not how you should be acting

This discussion has been closed.